A death in Orange County

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: … READ MORE…

All our Faces

How many have posted something on the blog this last year? You may be surprised at all the faces! If you want to find anyone’s specific post (s), just enter their name in the search box at the upper left corner of this page. Now, isn’t it time for your face to be added? 😉

St Peter’s Academy

Diocesan Education for Ministry Coordinator Cecil Keener recommends this upcoming event. A new initiative at St. Peter’s – The St. Peter’s Academy. This would be ideal as the next stage up in Biblical Studies and Philosophical Theology/Apologetics, for EfM graduates! St. Peter’s Academy – Evening Classes for Inquiring Minds this FallSt. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Del … READ MORE…

Towards a more perfect union

I shouldn’t be surprised by some of the letters to the editor of the San Diego Union Tribune that were spawned by the recent federal court decision that ruled Proposition 8 to be unconstitutional, and that its passing by a slim majority of California’s voters deprived gay and lesbian people the rights of due process … READ MORE…


From the IMAGES OF PEACE ON EARTH art exhibit brochure: “Over a year and a half ago, my wife, Carolyn, and I visited the Peace Memorials in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We asked ourselves, ‘How can we bring this home? How can we share the impact of the absolute need for peace in a world where … READ MORE…

Dining for Dorcas

Cathedral friends, My partner, Roger Haenke, and I hosted the Dining for Dorcas Summer Garden dinner Saturday last week, Jul 31. We consider it to have been a huge success. We had never thrown a dinner party for 25 people before, at least not one where we were cooking everything ourselves! So we were a … READ MORE…

Faith Leaders’ statement on Prop8 decision

The Rev. Canon Albert Ogle spoke at the Prop8 celebratory rally on Wednesday, representing St Paul’s, The California Council of Churches Impact and California Faith For Equality. We are part of a statewide movement of 6,000 faith leaders who support marriage equality. Today’s decision, wonderful as it is, will be appealed to higher courts. So … READ MORE…

A thousand cranes (updated)

I took this picture of origami cranes that were twisted into the rope around the memorial marker at Manzanar, the site of one of the internment camps where Japanese Americans were imprisoned during World War 2. In the background, you can see the sheer cliffs of the eastern Sierra Nevada rising up to 14,000 feet … READ MORE…