Forum followup: resources for repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Our forum this week discussed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), which prohibits openly gay, lesbian or bisexual people from serving in the Armed Forces. (Our transgendered friends and family are covered by other policies.) It’s important to remember that DADT does not prohibit LGB folks from serving. It prohibits them from being honest about who … READ MORE…

WT @ SPC: Self care & Fellowship, Dec 2

Last month, 48 women enjoyed an evening filled with good food, great conversation and a fascinating speaker. Many people I know are still talking about it! Our speaker, Gertrud Mueller Nelson, spun a beautiful fairy tale, drawing us all into that fantasy world with her. What did it all mean? That’s open to individual interpretation, … READ MORE…

Discerning for Listening Hearts

The Listening Hearts Ministry supports those who are seeking to understand what they are called to do when faced with decisions or challenges. This program relies on trained, supportive friends and colleagues and parishioners who can help the seeker find their way. Are you being called to use your time and talents as a discerner … READ MORE…

The Traveling Bible

This is the story of how our family Bible came to be with me in San Diego, California. I was born and raised in Chile. Our family Bible originally belonged to my mother’s family, the Serpells, who had lived in Cornwall, England. In about 1900, it left England and traveled around the Horn to Chile, … READ MORE…

The Sound of Silence

The work of the Cathedral Docents Corp is largely a silent ministry – to be “a doorkeeper in the house of our God” (Psalm 84:10). Our aim is to hold the Cathedral open each weekday from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon, for any and all who wish to stop by for … READ MORE…

Breaking through: The Physical Matters

Before my second adventure with cancer last year, I fancied myself a fairly balanced person. “Moderation in everything” was one of my mantras, and I figured I had this particular discipline down pat. My worldview sprang from personal experience and my relationship with God, but I could also appreciate a beautiful view and a glass … READ MORE…

Healing in the Presence

It’s warm and beautifully sunny today and I get to take a walk this afternoon. Not so many weeks ago, I was in a Santa Fe, NM hospital – frightened, anxious, massively sick and in pain; in that place I couldn’t imagine that I would ever feel good again. Looking back, I see myself – … READ MORE…

Happy Birthday, Blog!

In internet slang, a Blog’s Birthday is a Blogiversary. Our first “official” post was 11/2/2009. Since then, we’ve had more than 165 posts, nearly 50 authors, and more than 7100 visits to our blog. Although most come from San Diego, some visit from parts far afield, as you can see on the map below. Well … READ MORE…

Midway: Postcard from Italy

Robert Heylmun is traveling, and sends us this expanded postcard Maybe I should have said ‘half way’. This note has nothing to do with the aircraft carrier now serving as a naval museum in San Diego harbor, but it does have to do with having spent fifteen or so of my thirty allotted days here … READ MORE…