Families at the Border Need our Help

As you know, the federal government has detained families from Central and South America seeking asylum, and is now releasing some of them, in some cases dropping them at transportation hubs with few or no resources for travel to their homes. At the same time a large caravan is coming north through Mexico, with families … READ MORE…

October Showers Update

October’s second Saturday was another spectacular Showers Day. It did not rain, AND We set a new record of service to our neighbors: 120 Signed in (29 new guests) 140 Breakfast plates served 99 guests received clothing 32 showers taken 20 haircuts given Thank you too all who participated and all those who donated much … READ MORE…

Floors: pardon our dust!

We are engaged in two floor restoration projects this fall: tiling the Sacristy floor and hallway, and restoring the floor in the Great Hall. Both projects are being funded by a generous anonymous donor. The Sacristy floor and hallway will be tiled with the same type of tile installed in the Cathedral Chapel, updating the … READ MORE…

Think Dignity Showers

We had our Think Dignity Showers event on Sept 24. In spite of a flat tire on the truck which caused a late start, they completed 18 showers. And 8 professionally beautiful haircuts were performed by our new volunteer Wendy Chemes who loves to cut hair and she did a terrific job. The folks from … READ MORE…

Ministry Impact: Showers

Uriah It is early morning on the second Saturday of the month and still dark. Shadowy figures line up out side the 6th Ave gate, bags of belongings by their sides. On any other day, in any other place you might feel uncomfortable passing them in the dark, but the volunteers at Showers of Blessings … READ MORE…

Outreach Transition

A Message From David Tremaine Dear St. Paul’s Family, I have been at the cathedral now for almost two years functioning as the Director of Outreach and Formation.  In that capacity I work 25 hours per week acting as staff liaison for all of the amazing outreach ministry leaders as well as coordinating all of the … READ MORE…

Update from Showers of Blessings

Dear Beloved Showers Peeps, Happy Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) to you all! And a prayerful remembrance of Sept 11, 2001. Amid all the bad news in the world, there is actually good news to report: We had another showers day this last Saturday! Thank you all for making another awesome event. Here are our … READ MORE…

Homecoming: A summary of our “Rooted in Love, Growing in God” exercise

This past Sunday, we celebrated Homecoming, reflecting on our upcoming 150th anniversary, the upcoming construction of our new building that we hope will start next year, and the loss of our current administration building, Park Chateau, and temporary loss of our parking and 6th avenue courtyard while the construction is in process. We asked you … READ MORE…

An Update on Stewardship Formation

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about the Stewardship Committee’s decision to offer a financial literacy course: Financial Peace University.  The selection of that curriculum raised many questions and concerns!  Please rest assured that it is the intent of the Stewardship Committee to provide unity in our journey together as stewards, not division. Our … READ MORE…