The Sunday Sermon: Seeds of Love

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev. Cn. Jeff Martinhauk Proper 6B, June 13, 2021 My last parish included the opportunity to work with an Episcopal Day School.  Each year, in the spring, the preschoolers would undertake a project that seemed so simple but still mystifies me. They would take seeds– strawberry seeds I think– and put them in small … READ MORE…

First Chapter meeting of the year! (2.2.21)

Tuesday, February 2, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Via ZoomChapter will hold its first regular meeting with the newly elected members. Items to be addressed include: Review and approval of 2020 Parochial Report Review of Michael Kilpatrick’s application to be accepted as a Postulant for Holy Orders Approval of change in the bylaws of St. Paul’s … READ MORE…

Family Ministry Programming During COVID-19

Dear St. Paul’s Family, Like others, our Family Ministry has had to adapt and create new ways to provide resources for families to stay connected and engaged in faith formation at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas we emphasize the faith formation of households with children, the name “Family Ministry” encompasses families with children and … READ MORE…

The Good Friday Sermon

It is finished. St John gives these as the last words Jesus utters before his death. Not “it’s all over”, or “I am finished,” but “it is finished.” The project is done. The mission is completed. The purpose has been accomplished. John tells us that death is part of God’s plan to lead us to … READ MORE…

Rites and Right Thinking

I have just finished watching a series on Netflix called Unorthodox. The story centers around Estey, short for Esther, a young Jewish woman in a community of orthodox Jews and who at age 18 finds herself in an arranged and largely loveless marriage. After a year of failing to get pregnant and a growing discontent … READ MORE…

Connecting on line, face to face

Wanna have coffee together? As people shut down and shut in, there are a couple of possibilities for video community. These options allow for multiple participants, if you have a device with a camera and a mic ( laptop, tablet, smartphone, some computers). 1) If you have a GMAIL (google) account and your friends have … READ MORE…