Dean’s Letter: Lent Formation Offerings

Hello St. Paul’s, Lent is a time to focus our faith and deepen our commitment to Christ. Please sign up for one or more of our Lenten formation offerings below. See you on Sunday!Your Sister in Christ,Penny “Make Me an Instrument: A Guide to Civil Discourse” Sunday Forum at 9 am, Five weeks, March 9-April … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Adjusting Our Worship

Hello St. Paul’s, In the course of developing our new strategic plan we have heard a call for reining in the length of our 10:30 Sunday morning service. As our post-pandemic attendance has increased, so has the time needed for administering Communion, and this call is a timely reminder not to take for granted the … READ MORE…

From Sacred Ground in Action: Change and Persistence

Believe it or not there is some good news in our body politic. On President Biden’s last day in office, he commuted civil rights leader Leonard Peltier’s sentence of life imprisonment. At 80 years of age, in poor health, and held for almost fifty years, he will “spend his remaining days in home confinement.”  Before … READ MORE…

From Sacred Ground in Action and the Episcopal Public Policy Network: For Some of Us There’s No Time to Lose

Californians well know the invaluable roles of migrants in our communities.  With the threat of indiscriminate punitive actions towards those who will be singled out regardless of their civil status, people of faith need to speak out. The Episcopal Public Policy Network offers us this opportunity: “[With the threat of] mass deportations of undocumented immigrants … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Forming Mature Christians

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know we are engaged in a strategic planning initiative, with the hope of plotting a course for St. Paul’s ministries over the next 3-5 years. While we work out the details of that, we are not standing still, and one of the church’s responsibilities is to empower her people to … READ MORE…

Help us welcome refugee families to San Diego!

This latest update on our St. Paul’s collaboration with RefugeeNet to assist with resettlement of new refugees contains both good and bad news. First, a big thank you to the crew of St. Paul’s folks and friends who worked tirelessly on Saturday morning to pick up donated furniture that couldn’t wait. Also on the good … READ MORE…

St Paul’s Sacred Sacred Ground in Action ministry: TEC Migration Ministry Call to Action

Since the incoming administration has threatened actions towards our migrant neighbors which are antithetical to our call to follow Christ, The Episcopal Church Migration Caucus has asked concerned Episcopalians to endorse “ Dignity, Not Mass Deportation,” imploring us to take action now to prepare and protect immigrant families and communities.  To sign on, We’ll share more about Migration With … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: 2025 Annual Meeting

Hello St. Paul’s, Elsewhere in this weekly bulletin you will find a notice about our upcoming Annual Meeting on January 26. I want to encourage you to attend the luncheon and meeting as we celebrate “Cathedral Day”, the Sunday closest to the feast day of our patron, St. Paul, on the 25th, enjoy fellowship over … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Welcoming Church

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know, we conducted a Congregational Assessment Tool or CAT survey a few months ago, as a first step in our strategic planning process. My letter a couple of weeks from now will give the highlights of the survey results, but I want to bring your attention to one of the … READ MORE…