Dean’s Letter: The Welcoming Church

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know, we conducted a Congregational Assessment Tool or CAT survey a few months ago, as a first step in our strategic planning process. My letter a couple of weeks from now will give the highlights of the survey results, but I want to bring your attention to one of the … READ MORE…

From the Episcopal Public Policy Network: Advocacy for the last days of the current Congressional session

Congress has important work to do in the weeks to come. Whether you’ve written about these issues before, please join us in sending the following messages to Congress urging them to take action on priorities now! Tell Congress to Help Welcome our Afghan Allies: This bill supports the passage of the bipartisan “Afghan Adjustment Act” … READ MORE…

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action ministry: Another Thanksgiving Perspective

While sharing our Thanksgiving gratitude for and with loved ones, let’s remember that many of our neighbors have a different outlook on the storybook vision of the first Thanksgiving. Additionally so many of our immigrant neighbors may feel far more fear than gratitude. From the article, “The United American Indians of New England meet each … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Cathedral Sacred Ground in Action/Simpler Living: First Nations’ Solutions for Creation Care

The Tribal Lands Conservation Fund of the First Nations Development Institute “directly confronts the inequitable distribution of resources to tribes and Native communities and invests in Native-led climate justice and conservation efforts.” Standing up to extractive industries and schemes to take Native lands, calling on Indigenous ecological knowledge and practices and wisdom, and funding distinct … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Diocesan Convention Report

Hello St. Paul’s, Last weekend the clergy and lay representatives of every congregation in our diocese gathered in Palm Desert for our annual diocesan convention. All clergy canonically resident in the diocese are voting members of convention, and each congregation elects lay delegates every year at its annual meeting, with the number of delegates depending … READ MORE…

Our Ministry of Giving: A Letter from Jairus

The Stewardship Committee serves St. Paul’s Cathedral by leading the parish to care for and share the resources that God has entrusted to each of us, including our time, talents, and treasures. The committee carries out its work by sharing regular communications and sponsoring formation offerings on topics related to stewardship and by administering the … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Concerning Liturgical Colors

Hello St. Paul’s, As a child attending St. Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, I saw little color in our worship. The clergy of the very “low” Church of Ireland wore black cassock, white surplice, and black stole. There were no hangings or banners, and while there were (and still are) beautiful stained glass windows, the east … READ MORE…