Bishop Gene Robinson: It gets better

In response to the recent wave of suicides of LGBT youth, activist Dan Savage started the “It Gets Better” project, a video project where adult LGBT folks encourage bullied or depressed young people by assuring them that their experiences will improve, that life WILL get better. NH Bishop Gene Robinson has contributed one of the … READ MORE…

Women meet Simpler Living: let’s continue the conversation!

Pam Crooks of WT@SPC (Women Together @ St Paul’s) writes,We had such a wonderful gathering at our first meeting! The food was delicious. Carolyn Lief and Grace van Thillo’s program “In Search of Simpler Living,” quite thought-provoking. Judging by the buzz in the room over dinner, I’d say there were a lot of interesting conversations … READ MORE…

September 7, 2010 Chapter Highlights

Carol Walsh is the People’s Warden, and keeps us filled on the chapter, which is part of the Cathedral’s system of governance. The minutes were approved. The Chapter recessed and convened as the sole member of St. Paul’s Senior Homes. Jane Flaherty and Bruce Leidenberger were nominated to the St. Paul’s Senior Homes Board. The … READ MORE…

Blessing of the animals

Newcomers to St Paul’s must have been surprised on Sunday when they found the pews filled not only with people, but with pets! Other churches may welcome the animals to the outside, but not many actually bring them in to the church itself. But we do! Lots of dogs, from Great Dane down to the … READ MORE…

Introducing Women @ St Paul’s

Women are an important and powerful element in the Episcopal Church. This is particularly true at St. Paul’s Cathedral, as there have been many active women’s groups in the past. Conversation began this past summer with Canon Chris Harris, the Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas and Nancy Tarbell about reinvigorating the women’s group at St. Paul’s. … READ MORE…

Evangelizing over dessert

The Rev. Susan Russell of All Saints, Pasadena, is a member of a task force for the Standing Committee for Liturgy and Music (SCLM) that is working on how to implement resolution CO56, to “collect and develop” resources for the blessings of same sex unions. Writing on her blog, she tells us about the task … READ MORE…

My own Journey

Thanks to the warm welcome, meditative atmosphere, and ongoing support this church offers, I keep coming back! I was raised in a completely different faith, and still don’t feel I “fit in” quite, to the very historic rituals of St Paul’s. But the warmth conveyed is exactly the spiritual message I am looking for: a … READ MORE…

More in common than we think: building bridges with the Muslim community

At a time when others preach fear, take a stand for peace, understanding and love. Come to St. Paul’s Cathedral at 7.30pm on Thursday, September 23 and join Dean Scott Richardson, The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas, Imam Taha Hassane (Islamic Center of San Diego), Edgar Hopida (CAIR-San Diego), and Rabbi Laurie Coskey (ICWJ) as we … READ MORE…