Amazement and Wonder in Missouri: A Report on the Progress of the Organ Restoration

Mike Quimby and Robert Wilkins It was with some trepidation that I boarded the plane for Kansas City in mid-July en route to Warrensburg, Missouri, the home of the Quimby Pipe Organ Company. My purpose for this journey was to accomplish several tasks: 1) deliver the second payment to Mike Quimby for the work accomplished … READ MORE…

Global Equality –how do we get there? Forum, Aug 21st

A forum with Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, Brent Sammon and Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, Sunday August 21st at 9am. Recently returned from Uganda, where he helped Bishop Christopher establish an HIV outreach program to “criminalized” LGBT people (through a $145,000 grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation) Albert Ogle will talk about why it is important … READ MORE…

There’s no blog without you.

Have you noticed that there’s not much activity on the blog this week?  That’s because we haven’t heard from YOU! In 2009, when Chris Harris and I started working on the blog project, we named it All Our Voices because we wanted it to represent everyone at St Paul’s.  I think we’ve been very successful, … READ MORE…

The Master Plan (updated)

A bit like CalTrans and the freeway system, cathedral buildings are never really finished. Did you know that St Paul’s was originally supposed to have a tall spire and a crypt? The plans for the building have changed considerably over the years. Now, it’s time for another change. You’ve heard some discussion or received a … READ MORE…

It Gets Better: let’s make a video!

Are you familiar with the “It Gets Better” campaign? It is a grass-roots video campaign that was developed after the horrible spate of LGBT teen suicides this past year, to encourage LGBT youth to hang in there, because life DOES get better. This campaign has now taken off, not only featuring videos from people around … READ MORE…

Pride 2011: It DOES get better!

Comfortably over 100 members of St Paul’s participated in this year’s Gay Pride Parade, from the marchers to the picnic organizers back at the Cathedral. It was, as always, a lot of fun for the walkers (and fortunately, not too hot this year). We are always popular and it’s always wonderful to hear the cheers … READ MORE…

My name is Betty, and I’m …. an Episcopalian!

My first encounter with Betty Ford was in 1978 when I assisted at her daughter’s first wedding which was at old St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California where a young Fr. Bob Burton was Rector. The first three rows of the congregation were filed with more famous names and faces in the entertainment … READ MORE…