But where was the conversation?

I was part of the multitude from St.Paul’s that attended the “conversation” [2 1/2 hours, would you believe!] about gay marriage at the Skyline Church last week.  There were, indeed, thousands in attendance — and the conversation was respectful.  Thinking about it today, I’m struck with the almost diametrically opposed perspectives that were highlighted.  Both … READ MORE…

Thought about the conversation at Skyline Church: a response to Robert Gagnon

The conversation about the Definition of Marriage at Skyline Church Sunday night, July 29, 2012, was held, at least on the surface, in a civil atmosphere. Below the surface there were, however, some strong emotions at work, which was to be expected. My main interest in attending was to observe Robert Gagnon, the very Calvinistic … READ MORE…

More reports about the Skyline event

Susan Hulbert writes: Skyline church asked for no applause or outbursts and said they had a “friendship committee” that would escort violators out. Most people kept to this. Rob Gagnon with degrees from Dartmouth and Harvard wowed the crowd at the church with his scriptural juxtapositions of Jesus words and Old Testament prohibitions to argue … READ MORE…

Fearless Love: a report from Skyline Church

I commend Skyline Church for holding this conversation and for inviting the Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, and not the latest RuPaul look alike. Bishop Robinson had broad support in the audience, thanks to many Episcopalians who made the trip to La Mesa, including some from as far … READ MORE…

Into the Lion’s Den

Last night several of us from the Cathedral found ourselves at Skyline Church in La Mesa to hear and in my case, possibly participate, in an event called “A Conversation About the Definition of Marriage.” Put together by Skyline’s pastor, Jim Garlow, there were four panelists, two for what we would call an inclusive view … READ MORE…

Wedding gifts, wedding blessings

Marriage is on our mind this week. There’s the upcoming “Conversation on Marriage” at Skyline Church this Sunday, and a new 9am Forum Series asking “What makes long lasting relationships?” aimed at those in same-sex pr heterosexual relationship.  This series is led by Dr. Marjorie Coburn, a clinical psychologist. The first forum on Sunday August 5th … READ MORE…

Support marriage equality and Bishop Gene Robinson!

Pastor Jim Garlow at Skyline Church was a major supporter of Prop8. His church is sponsoring a “conversation on marriage” with prominent anti-equality voices Jennifer Roback Morse (NOM, The Ruth Institute) and Robert Gagnon.  Representing equality are John Corvino and none other than our friend Bishop Gene Robinson,  who have agreed to join the conversation, … READ MORE…

SPC at Pride

St Paul’s and friends fielded over 120 people at the San Diego Pride Parade.  Our guest for Pride and Sunday services was suffragen Bishop Mary Glasspool of the Dio. LA .  We had a great turnout and can honestly say “SPC rocks!” Thank you Bishop Glasspool for joining us for the parade, both services on … READ MORE…

Walk with us on Saturday

Join clergy, parishioners, friends, family and allies as we march in the Cathedral contingent at the Annual Pride Parade! Help show the more than 150,000 onlookers that we mean it when we say, “Whomever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome here!” We regularly field one of the … READ MORE…