What to do?

This poem was shared by Patrick, a reader in Rhode Island.  Words can hurt. What to do on a day like this? What to do when you hear the whispers? Hear your name buzz uncomfortably through the halls Do you listen ? Or do you choose to ignore the lies and rumors that slowly dishevel … READ MORE…

Psalm 23 for busy people

Aloha kakou [Hello/Love to us all] In the “Taming the Wilderness: A Lenten Forum Series” forum facilitator Christine D’Amico mentioned that one of the limits that could keep us from God and Mission is time. After the forum I read to her a paraphrased Psalm 23 that was featured in a 2010 workshop at the … READ MORE…

Bishop Gene Robinson on the Colbert Report (Video)

Bishop Gene Robinson and Stephen Colbert discuss how the church got it wrong about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people–and how the Episcopal Church is working to get it right. And listen to the cheers of the crowd! The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,Video Archive

A new look at St George

The Rev. Canon Andrew Rank shares with us: Leave it to Louie Crew, a retired professor from Rutgers and founder of Integrity, the LGBT organization of the Episcopal Church, that things aren’t always as they seem. This posting of his on Facebook page tells us something about good old St. George that probably few of … READ MORE…

People’s Warden Report

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees as well as the Board of Directors of Saint Paul’s Senior Homes … READ MORE…

Honors and Privileges

Sunday evening at Evensong, I was installed (sort of sounds like a kitchen appliance) as a verger at St. Paul’s Cathedral. I am deeply honored at being asked to join this august group of worker bees who keep the services humming at the cathedral. The ceremony promised to be brief during which I switched from … READ MORE…

Photoessay: Backstage at the Easter Vigil

What does it take to bring the rhythms of a complex liturgy alive at St Paul’s Cathedral? On Easter, the Cathedral opened its doors to hundreds of additional worshipers to celebrate the Resurrection. The Easter Vigil is one of the biggest services of the year. This photo essay shows you a bit of what happened … READ MORE…