Letter from Chris: changes to come

Dear Friends, Several years ago we as a faith community began a discernment process around whether I was being called to ordination. That process, and your affirmation of it, led to the Bishop making me a postulant and my enrollment in The School for Ministry where I have been spending my evenings and weekends for … READ MORE…

Race Time! Avoiding the traffic on Sunday

This year, the Rock and Roll Marathon encompasses two days.  On Saturday, there will be a 5K/3.1 mile race right next to the Cathedral.  On Sunday, a half and full marathon (13.1 and 26.2mi) will be run.  A very large contingent of the participants is part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training, … READ MORE…

Photo Essay: Behind the Scenes at the Sunday Service

A couple of years ago, we did a photoessay showing you what happens behind the scenes before the Easter Vigil.  Here’s a companion piece:  what happens before a 10.30 Sunday service?  This was Pentecost, which differs from a regular Sunday Eucharist just slightly–there are streamers, the clergy are vested in copes, and there are two … READ MORE…

Photo essay: Window tour

The stained glass windows at St Paul’s were created by a famous glass studio, Judson Studios of Pasadena. There’s a handy booklet with photos, describing each window, which you can pick up in the porch.  It’s worth a walk round with a pair of binoculars to take a look (and don’t forget the windows in the … READ MORE…

The Word of the Lord

            Have you attended church somewhere and had to put up with some bombastic reader, emoting his or her way through the day’s Old Testament lesson? Or, on the other hand, have you ever strained to hear what a reader is saying up there in the pulpit, mumbling the words, … READ MORE…

An appreciation from ECS:

Paula Peeling shares, Thank you to our St. Paul’s community following the leadership of Robin Taylor, Jennifer Jow, and Katie McGinnis for making a difference! Read this letter of appreciation from Episcopal Community Services! At the risk of there being too many emails in this chain, I want to say that I’m super grateful for … READ MORE…

Community Organizing 101

Dear Friends in Christ, I’d like to invite you join me for Community Organizing 101, a three-course Wednesday night series this May 13, 20, and 27 that will take place at St. John’s Church at 760 1st Ave in Chula Vista from 7-8:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served and there is no cost to … READ MORE…