Creating Change

Dear ones, I so appreciated all the feedback from my sermon last Sunday, which you can find on video here and on the blog here. It was great to have so many folks express interest after the service in getting involved, and we even had some new pledges! Thank you. I do want to assure … READ MORE…

Photoessay: Vergers at the Vigil

If you visit Episcopal Cathedrals around the country, you will find that although we are a relatively small Cathedral, we have a mighty Verger Corps (see here for more about the vergers’ roles).  Your vergers are responsible for the smooth running of the service, spending lots of time before, during and after the service, to ensure that … READ MORE…

Good Friday: Noon Meditation

This collect we just read ties together the Blessed Virgin Mary, vocation, and service empowered by the Holy Spirit. But this day feels like a hard day to be reminded of that. Mary, on this day, sits at the foot of the cross, and we are reminded of her agony as she watched her son … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Life Before Death

  I speak to you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Amen. Please be seated. I’m grateful to be with you this morning, and I thank Penny, our dean, for inviting me. I’m Hannah Wilder, your  seminarian and I bring you greetings from the School for Ministry, our local theological training … READ MORE…

Singing hymns: photoessay

The humorist Garrison Keillor is credited with the following:  Many Episcopalians are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony, a talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head against that person’s rib cage. It’s natural for … READ MORE…

Cathedral Library Online Catalog is here!

The St. Paul’s Cathedral Library is up and running, and you are invited to make use of it at your convenience. There are over 2000 books available, and you can search the on-line “card catalog” on your computer at home or on your smart phone at There you can type in a book title, … READ MORE…

Ashes To Go reflection

Now that a week has passed since Ashes to Go, and everything is put away, and totals have been tallied, I thought I should share my reflections with all of you. First, my huge thanks to everyone who made the day possible. To Jeff Martinhuak and Susan Jester for all the planning meetings. To Konnie … READ MORE…

Stephen MInistry Workshop

Want to learn to be an active listener and reach out to others in a distinctively Christian way? On Saturday, March 3, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral will host a Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop from 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m., and refreshments will be served. Stephen Ministry helps members fulfill their Christian calling … READ MORE…

Lent 2018 Faith Formation

This Lent we will undertake as a community a conversation about issues surrounding immigration and refugee resettlement, “Seeking Refuge, Finding Home: A Community Exploration of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement,” focusing specifically on our call as Christians to respond to the needs of the world, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be open to … READ MORE…

Annual Meeting Slideshow

Did you want to take another look at the annual meeting slideshow? Here’s a link to the slideshow album.  You can turn the slideshow on with the icon on the topright