From Climate Stewards USA and St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:
Climate Stewards USA invites us to embark on a Carbon Fast for Lent. Here are some questions they’d like us to consider:
- Can I wait until April 6th or after Easter to purchase this item?
- If not, can I borrow it from a friend or family member?
- If not, is there a secondhand alternative I can find at a consignment or thrift store?
- If not, can I find a responsible company selling an eco-friendly or fair trade version? For this last question, go to Green America for some sustainable shopping tips (Click Here)
There are as many other ways to reduce our carbon output besides driving less (walking or biking as many of our errands when possible) and baking less (note that the soups in St. Paul’s Lenten Cookbook can be made in a crockpot!). And if you participate in Community 100 through San Diego Community Power you can be assured that all of your electrical energy will come from 100% renewable sources).
Dear Lord, we pray for you to renew our minds and reshape our hearts to care for the earth that you have so graciously and lovingly made. Thank you for your creativity and vastness displayed in the stars, sun, and sea and for allowing us to behold and enjoy it.
We confess we have failed as stewards. We pray you would help us protect the ocean from further harm and restore what we damaged. Bring innovative ideas to our minds to help creation heal. Please bless our labor and transform our focus from self-centeredness to the fruitfulness of all creation. Amen. (Climate Stewards USA)