Reminder: Deadline for reservations or cancellations for our next event is Monday, Nov. 4, 2013.
Thursday, Nov.7, 2013, 6-7:30PM
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Guild Room
Presented by: Dr. Elisabeth Koenig
“Our faith is a light…measured with discretion, and it is present to us in our need in the night…And at the end of our woe, suddenly our eyes will be opened, and in the clearness of our sight our light will be full, which light is God…” Julian of Norwich, Showings
Christian Discernment is an ancient spiritual practice that empowers people to make important personal and social decisions wisely and well, not an easy task during times of crisis and rapid change. Everywhere we look – the Congress, Wall Street, the Middle East, the Church, our own lives – chaos afflicts people, stirring up such high anxiety and distress that the whole world can seem untrustworthy. Needless to say, energy-states like these distort perception and make clear decision-making impossible.
Christian Discernment was developed centuries ago by such luminaries as the New Testament authors, St. Paul, Julian of Norwich, Ignatius of Loyola, and Teresa of Avila, who were enmeshed in conflicts not unlike our own. Come learn about Discernment and the great personalities who taught their followers how to make wise choices. You will be introduced to a Christian Discernment Process that you can use yourself, as you and your companions explore your own pressing decisions on a path that leads to spiritual wholeness and love.
Elisabeth Koenig, Ph.D., is Professor of Ascetical Theology, Emerita, at the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, in New York City. She has taught courses in Christian Theology, ethics, Spirituality and Practice, Christian Discernment, Anglican Women Theologians, and Mysticism and Social Transformation.
Reservations: You can reserve a seat online right now by clicking here.
Cancellations: If you RSVP’d for dinner and need to cancel your reservation, email us at or call Judy MacDonald, 619.298.7261 ext.324. Deadline for all reservations, with or without dinner, is: Monday, Nov. 4, 2013

Christian Women in a Diverse World
All ages welcome!