6 – 7:30 p.m, Guild Room, St. Paul’s Cathedral
For a simple supper, themed program and thoughtful discussion led by
Gertrud Mueller Nelson
A Fairy-tale and the Roadmap to Happiness
“Folk stories and fairy tales were never really meant for children. The fairy tale is the grand, projected image of our unconscious…It explains to us our past and predicts the glory and foibles of the future. At our November gathering, as the night falls, we will slowly enter the inner world of one fairy tale and learn to hear its symbolic language and hold its paradoxes and hear the Good News.”
“She’s Mary and Martha rolled into one helluva ball of spiritual and practical wisdom.”
– Student, Episcopal School of Theology, Cambridge MAThat’s right on the mark. Gertrud’s an artist and a speaker. In both realms, she looks inward on the world of the spirit where mystery and value lie and then offers an outward expression — a simple, essential kernel. So simple is that expression that it might take you aback. It’s “reduction to a fine sauce.” It’s visual Haiku.
In art, she will embellish this thing with a decorative style, a folk-art quality that lends personality and nuance. In speaking she embellishes what is essential by story and experience, by teaching and example. She will give each essential value its unique visual or verbal expression, taking us on a journey into archetype, ritual, liturgy and folk custom.
– Rev. Ralph Carskadden, Episcopal priest, Liturgist and artist Seattle, WA
RSVP: Or Call Judy MacDonald at (619) 298-7261
Deadline for all reservations, Monday, November 1
$10 for dinner (optional)
– Pam Crooks