While the Nations Equivocate… Act Locally!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:

Two years ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized stronger vehicle emissions standards to protect families from vehicle pollution, save drivers money, and fight the climate crisis. House Resolution 4468 threatens to undo the progress made toward clean air and a healthy future. The bill would prohibit the EPA “from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing” emissions standards for certain vehicles, removing the agency’s power to set pollution standards. Congress needs to hear from you. Write your representative today (Click Here)!

AND next week you will have an opportunity to prepare a possible gift for Christmas 2024! Simpler Living will begin tabling for a Power San Diego ballot initiative to form a customer-owned not for profit public utility that will support fossil fuel-reducing practices. We pay the highest electricity rates in the country: as do our neighbors who can least afford them: energy equity is long overdue! Learn more.

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