What is an Episcopalian? Jeff’s story

Last year I decided to attend the “What is an Episcopalian” class at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It was a major commitment as the class runs about 6 weeks and I travel A LOT for my job. Still, I felt confident I could arrange my schedule so I could attend every Wednesday night from late January through early April. The class is designed to prepare interested persons for Baptisms that occur over the Easter Holiday weekend.

Backing up a little, 1-1/2 years earlier I had met my partner, who was attending St. Mark’s Episcopal in Seattle. Having been raised a Catholic and then spending a few years in a fundamentalist church, I was ready for something different that would satisfy my spiritual needs but also be tolerant of many diverse lifestyles. When we moved to San Diego, I knew St. Paul’s would be the place to be. I thought the class might be a place for lots of answers; you know, like what doctrines I should believe, what is right and wrong. Instead, I found the class provoked more questions than it answered, but I didn’t mind!

We went through the history of the Anglican Communion. We talked about early Christians and the creeds and where they came from. We talked about the history of the Episcopal church in America. We talked about the role of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason in the Episcopal faith. We even prepared and delivered our own Eucharist by all participating in the service in differing capacities. Talk about having a new respect for something that happens every Sunday, seemingly effortlessly! I finally learned the being an Episcopalian was about people with somewhat diverse beliefs coming together because we share a common form of worship, a common Book of Prayer, and a common desire to help others in the community as Christ would do if he were here in the flesh today.

So, though many of my “questions” went unanswered, I felt satisfied that I learned what I needed to. The class is starting up again this January. If you’re even remotely thinking about doing it, jump in, you’ll really enjoy the experience. And you’ll meet a lot of people who have some of the same questions you do!

Jeff Bates

What is an Episcopalian? begins Weds, Jan 13. This fellowship and shared learning experience also serves as preparation for those interested in Baptism, Confirmation, Reception or for those who want to Reaffirm their commitment to ministry in Christ. All are always welcome. Register with the Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas (619) 298-7261 x333 or thomasA@stpaulcathedral.org.

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