In a strange way, our culture of acquisition provides us with a helpful red (or shall we say black) flag to consider living more simply in this climate emergency.
We are all aware of stores that decorate for Christmas even before Halloween. Then there’s the ubiquitous Black Friday “holiday.” Here’s an article that reminds us all the reasons NOT to shop on this Hallmark-like manufactured money-making day:
Green America: Why This Black Friday, We’re Not Buyin’ It (Click for article)
“This year, we encourage you to skip shopping on Black Friday. Instead, take some time to appreciate what you already have, whether it’s the items that make your house feel homey or the people in your life you love. “
May God bless us, my friends, for our bodies are one with the body of Earth.
May God bless us, for the rivers and the seas run through our veins.
May God bless us, for the spirit of life breathes in our lungs.
May God bless us, for the fire of love burns in our hearts.
May we go forth as healers and justice-seekers, filled with God’s spirit.
Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
When we do feel the need to give a gift, there are many great opportunities to give gifts that care for Earth and others, from donations to worthwhile organizations to the following from San Diego EarthWorks, https://www.earthdayweb.org:
Time to Plant Trees!
San Diego EarthWorks is also hosting Kate’s Trees, founded by retired forester Dr. Anne Fege, and named in honor of Kate Sessions, “Mother of Balboa Park,” who founded a movement for trees about 100 years ago in San Diego.
It’s time to plant a tree in your front or back yard! Or sponsor a tree in a community that needs them. Learn what trees to plant and how to get the right tree, for the right place at Kate’s Trees.
Kate’s Trees has arranged for a healthy selection of ornamental shade and native trees in five-gallon sizes that can be purchased at three local nurseries for about $30 to $50.
If you don’t have land for a tree (or another tree), consider donating for a tree to be planted in a community that needs it.