These days the news is filled with crucial events that are critical to God’s creation. The best news of all is that we can take these simple steps to advocate for policies that can have a real impact on the climate crisis. Will you to take one step further in advocating for Creation by addressing either or both of these important actions….
1. From the Episcopal Public Policy Network:Urge Congress to Pass Ambitious Climate Change Legislation!
Congress is debating the most ambitious climate legislation in our nation’s history. It is critical that the U.S. take immediate and aggressive steps to do all we can to avert the most extreme climate change scenarios. We call on Members of Congress to ensure that the Build Back Better budget reconciliation includes provisions to dramatically reduce emissions, establish a clean energy standard, and invest in communities that are already most impacted by climate change.
2. From 350.org:Contact your US Representative about this important action: as a constituent you can ask her/him to sign onto the Fossil Free Finance Act.
To tackle the climate crisis, we must end the flow of money to fossil fuels — and the Federal Reserve has the power and responsibility to make that happen.
A new bill in Congress would require the Federal Reserve to do just that.
In the last 5 years, the world’s 60 biggest banks have financed fossil fuels to the tune of $3.8 trillion. Under this legislation, big banks would be required to align their financing with science-based emission targets and our obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement.
If this bill passes, big banks would not be allowed to finance:
- New or expanded fossil fuel projects after 2022
- All fossil fuel projects after 2030
- Thermal coal financing after 2024
There are 15 co-sponsors on the bill so far, but we need many more in order to pass this bill in the House.
Contact your US representative by email or phone:
Representative Scott Peters https://scottpeters.house.gov/contact or call 202-225-0508 or 858-455-5550
Representative Sara Jacobs https://sarajacobs.house.gov/contact/ or call (202) 225-2040 or (619) 280-5353
If you don’t know your US representative, find out at https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Enter your zip code +four.Then contact them at 202-224-3121
Ask your Representative:
“As a person of faith and your constituent, I am asking Representative —— to sign on to the Fossil Free Finance Act. This legislation would hold big banks accountable for financing fossil fuels at this critical time of climate crisis. Thank you.”
And please Zoom in to Creation Justice in a Time of Climate Emergency at the 9/26 Sunday morning Faith Forum from 9 – 10 am. Our Simpler Living panel will share thoughts from Archbishop Welby and suggestions for deeper advocacy during this critical time before the UN Climate Conference.
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