A message from Judy Moore
As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral,
I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.
Well, I do have a lot to tell you from both the November and October (which I missed) Chapter meetings. So here goes:
Christine Spalding reported that Tondalaya Dockery has filled the vacant Cathedral sexton position. Several offices have been refurbished including the First Floor Great Hall (FFGH) resulting in new locations for some of the staff: Colin Mathewson is down the hall from Dean Penny in the former accounting office; Chris Harris now occupies Allisyn Thomas’s office, and Laurel Mathewson is in the process of renovating her new office om the second floor of the Great Hall. Installation of a new phone system is complete – it is cost efficient, more modern and services the new offices located on the FFGH. Christine also mentioned a small (but always scary) fire was reported in the Cathedral building on November 4th involving one of the candles that was part of the Dia de los Muertos. Damage was minor to the altar and surrounding area.
Chris Harris presented an update on Congregational Development. As no doubt you know (and hopefully have attended), stewardship gatherings are well underway. Among those attending were many new-comers and people returning to the Cathedral after absences, Chris says. The goal for 2015 is to achieve a 9% growth in pledge income. Chris also reported the Summer Mini Campaign was a success. Pledges are now much more current that they were before the campaign. Lastly, a new online portal for Cathedral giving is being evaluated.
Laurel Mathewson reported on Christian Formation. She has three groups already going at the same time with a dinner attendance of 70 people. Breakout sessions include Spiritual Autobiography, Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture (I’m taking that session – fascinating!) and The Episcopal Way: Foundations. Laurel is contemplating a similar 5-week course during Lent;.
New Chapter candidates were recommended to Chapter and were approved. Names will be announced soon and they will be presented at a forum before the Annual Meeting in January.
Carolyn Lief proposed a Fair Trade Cost Comparison which provided support that the Cathedral become a Fair Trade Congregation. As such, St. Paul’s will offer Fair Trade information to congregational members and to the public on how thoughtful buying can relate to social justice, and making such items available for purchase at the cathedral, cathedral events and church offices. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Chapter.
Dean Penny proposed a Charter for the Vision for Mission (V4M) Committee, a strategic mission plan, if you will. The purpose of this committee is to make the best possible choices in using all of our resources – physical, finances, and people. It will be a 5-year plan and articulate the Cathedral goals and objectives for all areas of ministry. The timeline for this process is one year beginning in September 2014. The motion was unanimously approved by Chapter.
Member of the V4M committee in addition to the Dean, include Helena Chan (chaplain) Max D’Amico, Alan Dorsey, Kris Hatch (Co-Chair), Susan Hulbert, Gladis Jimenez, The Rev. Canon Richard Lief (Assistant Chaplain), Steve Mater, Marshall Moore, Mark Patzman, John Peeling, Bob Reed, Howard Smith (Co-Chair), Kim Sorrell, RobinTaylor and Donna Watson.
Bart Smoot presented a draft of the 2015 Budget. It was recommended that the 2015 Mission Share Pledge to the diocese be 10% of the Cathedral’s net operating income and this was approved by Chapter. The status of the Cathedral’s financial audit was presented and will be completed before year-end. The Cathedral’s bill payments are current and the cash flow situation is stable.
Lay delegates for the 2015 Episcopal Diocese of San Diego (EDSD) were recommended and approved by Chapter. The delegates are Lisa Churchill, Roger Haenke, Vicki Hoppenrath, Susan Hulbert, Guin Kerstetter, Mark Lester and Carolyn Lief. Alternate delegates include Chris Harris, Christine Spalding and John Will.
Dean’s (Senior) Warden, Don Pellioni, continues to participate in many (read: millions!) of routine and ad hoc committees. The People’s (Junior)) Warden, that’s me, continues to be available to all the folks in the congregations. (Could we ever change that to guardian, steward, protector? I know those are all definitions of “warden” but warden sounds like a jailor to me; just sayin’ .…). I have loved listening to many members of the congregations in my capacity as the warden for the people. I will also continue to attend Misa after my term ends in January. I have expressed my desire to Colin to work with him in growing that congregation.
Other little pieces of news: The job title for Brooks Mason will be changed to Canon Liturgist. Betsey Monsell has been appointed the new Treasurer as of January 1, 2015. Guin Kerstetter was appreciated for her dedicated service as the current treasurer. A Cathedral for the City Commission was formed recently and included Rick Hancock (chair), Margret Hernandez, Maryanne Lacey, Harriet Baber, Chris Harris, Elaine Graybill, Tom Stender-Custer, and Arlon Staggs. Their objective is to provide service and evangelism to the city and to raise the public profile of the Cathedral. As a result of the Nutmeg and Olive sale, new and energy efficient windows are being installed in the Cathedral’s Parc Chateau apartments on Olive and they are also being painted and repaired. A communal barbeque will be located on the patio of the apartments for use of the residents.
As always, please feel free to talk to me before or after the 10:30 a.m. service coffee hour or by email (jmoore405@att.net) with any and all thoughts or concerns.
Blessings and joy to each and every one of you!
Judy Moore
People’s Warden