The People’s Warden reports: March Chapter Musings

The big take-away from this month’s chapter meeting, is FINANCES. While the stewardship drive by most measures was successful (individual pledge amounts up by 10%) there is a decline in the number of pledging units leaving the original projected amount $92K short of budget. A reworked budget was discussed and ultimately, reluctantly, approved. A significant … READ MORE…

Vision for Mission Objectives

You can find all six discussions of vision for mission objectives here on the blog with this link: This includes 1) Worship 2) Music and Arts 3) Formation 4) Community 5) Cathedral for the City 6)  Mission & Outreach

Vision for Mission (6): Outreach & Justice

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.  Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, … READ MORE…

Vision for Mission (5) : Cathedral for the City

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.  Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, … READ MORE…

Vision for Mision (4): Community

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.  Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, … READ MORE…

The Vision for Mission (3): Formation

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.  Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, … READ MORE…

The Vision for Mission (2): Music and Arts

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.  Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, … READ MORE…

The Viision for Mission (1) : Worship

In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M. Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Where All May Find a Home

“O mortal, propound a riddle, and speak an allegory to the house of Israel.” So Ezekiel begins the section of his prophecy that culminates in the parable of the tree, a tree set in a high place, a tree grown from the sprig of a proud cedar, a tree that will shelter everyone and stand … READ MORE…