Simpler Living: A Different Lenten Discipline

Simpler Living Tip #17  from Phil Petrie Lent is a season when we think about giving up things, not to punish ourselves, but to deepen our relationship to God. The underlying idea here is that it is pretty easy for our appetites to get out of whack—for habits to become addictions—and I think all of … READ MORE…

Got a Lemon?

Just a reminder that the Simpler Living Ministry table on 1st and 3rd Sundays after the 10:30 service has a “Swap Basket”  for everyone to share and enjoy the abundance of their gardens. Please bring any extra fruit or veggies that you may be growing, and come check out what’s available too. Grace van Thilo

Go Public in Epiphany!

Sisters and Brothers, Our Saturday afternoon Balboa Park Outreach Walks with Chris Wells, Mary Doak, Lynne and Bill Fish and others continue to invite us into compelling conversations with those who live outside. Won’t you consider joining them for these hour-long walks (3:30-4:30) some Saturday soon? Email me if you’re interested. Go Public and Serve … READ MORE…

Simpler Living: Fair Trade Holiday Shopping

The Holiday season is approaching!  Simpler living sends us this list of shopping opportunities that focus on Fair Trade and opportunities where your $$$ can make a  difference.  Bookmark this page so you can refer back to it throughout the season!                Fair Trade Holiday Shopping Guide!     … READ MORE…

Ministry Spotlight: Simpler Living

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT is a new feature. Please feel free to contact Vicki about a ministry you are involved in. Remember ministries are not only through the Cathedral–you may be sharing your spiritual gifts with ministries outside the Cathedral, (such as Hands Up Food Pantry or Uptown Faith). To Spotlight your ministry email Vicki Hoppenrath at … READ MORE…

Creation Care Sunday April 14

Most of us know plenty about climate change and sometimes all the mounting evidence—extreme weather events, melting polar caps, fires across the West—and the lack of major government action can be depressing. However, these events and the discussion they are engendering (Mike Bloomberg’s “It’s the climate, stupid!” comes readily to mind) are having a real … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Tips: Cool summer savings

Here are some ideas to cool your summertime:  Stay on the lowest floor of your home or building. Drink plenty of cool water. Eat well balanced, light, and regular meals. Wear loose fitting, lightweight and light colored clothing. Visit air-conditioned public places. Close drapes and shades to help keep the sunlight heat outside. Install weather … READ MORE…

Back in the day….Being Green

Scott Richardson forwards this to us: Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my earlier days.” The young clerk responded, … READ MORE…

Home-made cheese

Did you know you can make your own soft cheeses and yogurt at home?  Cassie Lewis recently led the Simpler Living group in a workshop to learn how to do it.  The recipes are posted here;  they will also be permanently accessible in the Recipes tab at the top of the blog. Ricotta 1 quart … READ MORE…