The Sunday’s Sermon: Glimpsing the Glory of God

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Watch this sermon on YouTube (Click Here) February 19, 2023, Last Sunday after EpiphanyPenelope Bridges When I started thinking about this sermon, I started with the word Transfiguration. We call the last Sunday before Lent Transfiguration Sunday because, each year on this Sunday, we hear the story of Jesus on the mountaintop, conversing with Moses … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Be the Salt; Be the Light

Click Here to watch sermon on YouTube February 5, 2023Penelope Bridges “You are the salt of the earth … you are the light of the world.” In today’s portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pays us a great compliment and in the same breath offers us a steep challenge. We are salt; we … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Called into the Kingdom

January 22, 2023. Third Epiphany and Cathedral DayPenelope Bridges “Jesus went throughout Galilee,… proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people.” Every year at this time we hear this good news and the invitation from Jesus: “Repent, follow me.” We read of the dramatic response of … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Mission Impossible

January 8, 2023The Rev. Dr. Carol Worthing Today we celebrate The Baptism of Our Lord Sunday – and we will also celebrate our baptizand, Benjamin, in his baptism – so, in a sense, this message is for him – it’s really for all of us, though, and so I just want Benjamin to know – … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: What’s in a Name?

January 1, 2023, Holy Name of JesusPenelope Bridges Alleluia: Unto us a child is born: O come, let us adore him, Alleluia. Today we celebrate the Holy Name of our Lord. It’s appropriate that this feast is scheduled during the season of the nativity: we are still celebrating Christmas too. Jesus is given his name … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: The Scandal of Incarnation

The Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18, 2022Penelope Bridges Our King and Savior now draws near: come, let us adore him. Within the lifetime of my mother, the Magdalene Laundries were still operating in Ireland. You may have seen a movie about them some years ago, telling the story of a shameful episode in Ireland’s … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: What are you watching for?

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.11/27/2022 Happy Advent, everyone! Advent marks the beginning of the new year for the church calendar, so it is just as appropriate to say: Happy New Year! Advent, as a word, means “the arrival of notable person, thing, or event.” The church year begins with Advent because we contemplate the arrival of … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: A Word of Hope from the Cross

November 20, 2022Penelope Bridges Today’s Gospel is startling – we are catapulted from pre-Thanksgiving to Good Friday, as we see Jesus on the cross, nailed there by an authoritarian regime that ruled by violence, lined up beside two criminals who, like his own disciples, didn’t understand the nature of his authority and who were baffled … READ MORE…