Sunday’s Sermon, September 17, 2023: The Power of Forgiveness

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

The Very Rev. Penny Bridges Today’s Scripture readings seem to come full circle, from the violent, vengeful God who drowns the Egyptian army, to Paul’s exhortation to refrain from judging others on their preferences, to a call for unconditional forgiveness, and finally back to the God who threatens the unrepentant sinner with eternal torture. There’s … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, August 13th, 2023: The Dream of God

Penelope Bridges The sons of Jacob turn on their annoying little brother Joseph and sell him into slavery. The disciples fail to recognize Jesus, and Peter fails the test of faith. Two stories today that reflect humanity’s failure to fully embrace the dream of God. Today’s Gospel story comes immediately after the disciples have participated … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, August 6th, 2023: Transfigurations

Rev.Cn.Richard Hogue One could be forgiven for confusing today’s Gospel for a vignette of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. A couple of spirits show up, a person is briefly but profoundly transformed, confusing the daylights out of everyone present, and then life goes on. If anything of this sort happened to me, I would wonder, … READ MORE…