Sunday’s Sermon, August 13th, 2023: The Dream of God

Penelope Bridges The sons of Jacob turn on their annoying little brother Joseph and sell him into slavery. The disciples fail to recognize Jesus, and Peter fails the test of faith. Two stories today that reflect humanity’s failure to fully embrace the dream of God. Today’s Gospel story comes immediately after the disciples have participated … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, August 6th, 2023: Transfigurations

Rev.Cn.Richard Hogue One could be forgiven for confusing today’s Gospel for a vignette of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. A couple of spirits show up, a person is briefly but profoundly transformed, confusing the daylights out of everyone present, and then life goes on. If anything of this sort happened to me, I would wonder, … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon, July 16th, 2023: Pride Sunday

The Rev. Dr. Charlie Bell Happy Pride to you all! Well, whilst it was fantastic to see St Paul’s Cathedral front and centre of yesterday’s Pride March, I don’t think it’s unfair to suggest that St Paul is one of the more unlikely candidates for patron saint of Pride. Those of us committed to embracing … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon, July 9th, 2023: Expectations Defied

The Very Rev. Dean Penny Bridges You may have noticed that we are reading passages from Genesis each Sunday this summer. We are following a semi-continuous sequence, starting with the call of Abraham, and outlining the foundational story of the Jewish people: Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s twelve sons who founded the twelve tribes of … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon, July 2nd, 2023: The Binding of Isaac

Rev. Cn. Richard Hogue Jr. We Christians often look to the story of Abraham’s binding of Isaac as a sort of foreshadowing of God’s willingness to send Jesus into this world for us, but there is an enormous and fundamental difference between these stories. While Jesus does get sacrificed Isaac does not. That’s why it … READ MORE…