The Sunday Sermon: The Feast for All

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego1/16/2022 A wedding feels like an impossibility right now, doesn’t it? Omicron is surging, and we are experiencing it at St. Paul’s through the lens of caution and care for our people, even though we know the sting of disconnection lingers with each event we pull away from … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Beloved

The Baptism of our Lord: 1/9/22Penelope BridgesBeloved On this first Sunday after the Epiphany, we have leapt from the visit of the wise ones to the adult ministry of Jesus, inaugurated by his baptism at the river Jordan. Jesus receives God’s benediction while he is praying after his baptism. Luke doesn’t tell us if other … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: The Second Sunday After Christmas

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego1/2/2022             Journeys are part of nearly every story. In the western tradition, we trace back the earliest heroes to people who took arduous journeys, Odysseus stick out clearest after surviving the journey to and war with Troy in the Iliad, and the perhaps the most iconic of … READ MORE…

Christmas Day Sermon: Love Reshapes the Cosmos

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral. San Diego12/25/2021 Love Reshapes the Cosmos Merry Christmas! It is wonderful to celebrate with you all this morning. Whenever I think about this passage from John two things stick out to me: first, the light and life part, and how long it’s been since I last considered getting the … READ MORE…

Christmas Eve Sermon: Disappointment Transformed

Christmas Eve 2021Penelope BridgesDisappointment Transformed Alleluia, unto us a child is born. O come, let us adore him. Alleluia. It is so good to be back in church this Christmas, to gather together for our celebration, to welcome the Christ child into the world again as a community. We have longed for this. Last year … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Unwrapped Package of Advent

December 19, 2021, Fourth Sunday of AdventPenelope BridgesThe Unwrapped Package of Advent Last week I spent a few days in Washington DC, making the acquaintance of my new grandson. Each day I watched my son and daughter in law bring in packages from the porch, as they prepared for baby’s first Christmas. Cookies were cooling … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: From Vipers to Fields of Fruit

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego12/12/2021 “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruits worthy of repentance.” John the Baptizer’s pronouncement is not typically how we greet folks at church these days. Certainly, it’s not how your newly minted Associate for Congregational Life, moi, would … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: 2nd Sunday of Advent 2021

December 5 2021,The Second Sunday of AdventPenelope Bridges Our King and Savior now draws near. Come, let us adore him. He was an old man. Year after year, he and his wife lived faithfully and prayed for the blessing of children. He took his turn as a priest serving in the temple, did all that … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Rethinking Apocalypses

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/28/2021 Good morning, and a happy church new year! This is the first day of the church’s new cycle of readings through scripture, as Penny described in her sermon last Sunday. For those who aren’t familiar, we are now in the season of Advent, a period of a … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Starting with Stones Upturned

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/14/2021             Good morning! I am humbled to join you all today, and I want to thank Dean Penny and all who have welcomed me into the life of St. Paul’s Cathedral. This week was a bit of a start-stop week for me, as I began to take … READ MORE…