Migration with Dignity Sunday, February 23

St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action: Along with other Episcopal congregations throughout the country, St. Paul’s will hold Migration with Dignity Sunday. Initiated by TEC Episcopal Migration Caucus, this effort supports the “Migration with Dignity” resolution adopted last summer at General Convention which promotes “specific principles about migration that resonate with the teachings of Jesus … READ MORE…

Black History Month 2025

Sacred Ground In Action Ministry: We can’t know what we don’t know… And we can’t act as responsible members of our community when we don’t have access to the unvarnished truth, whether from our church or in our schools and libraries. TEC Executive Council member Joe McDaniel says, “This month emphasizes the importance of education, … READ MORE…

Speaking Out For Migrants

Sacred Ground in Action and the Episcopal Public Policy Network: You shall neither mistreat a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Exodus 22:21 Here are some letters to your representatives that advocate for the care of our most vulnerable neighbors: Click Here to read more! Prayer: God our … READ MORE…

From Sacred Ground in Action: Change and Persistence

Believe it or not there is some good news in our body politic. On President Biden’s last day in office, he commuted civil rights leader Leonard Peltier’s sentence of life imprisonment. At 80 years of age, in poor health, and held for almost fifty years, he will “spend his remaining days in home confinement.”  Before … READ MORE…

From Sacred Ground in Action and the Episcopal Public Policy Network: For Some of Us There’s No Time to Lose

Californians well know the invaluable roles of migrants in our communities.  With the threat of indiscriminate punitive actions towards those who will be singled out regardless of their civil status, people of faith need to speak out. The Episcopal Public Policy Network offers us this opportunity: “[With the threat of] mass deportations of undocumented immigrants … READ MORE…

St Paul’s Sacred Sacred Ground in Action ministry: TEC Migration Ministry Call to Action

Since the incoming administration has threatened actions towards our migrant neighbors which are antithetical to our call to follow Christ, The Episcopal Church Migration Caucus has asked concerned Episcopalians to endorse “ Dignity, Not Mass Deportation,” imploring us to take action now to prepare and protect immigrant families and communities.  To sign on, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHFyswCWqzx0SnJzqMlqO97SZd-e4ERMEji5Twu-WaDkZkzQ/viewform We’ll share more about Migration With … READ MORE…

Stories Are Powerful

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action Ministry: During Native American Heritage Month (and beyond!) make a commitment to read books written by Indigenous authors and learn more about the cultures, histories, and perspectives of our Indigenous siblings. Here is a small selection for a variety of ages (Click Here). Many of these titles can … READ MORE…

St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action: Celebrating Diverse Cultures during Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month 

Sandieguinos are very fortunate to benefit from the rich cultural heritage of our Mexican neighbors – on either sides of the border – as well as the numerous Latino, Latinx, and Hispanic cultures of people and their US-born descendants here from many parts of the world. In 2020 the country’s Hispanic/Latino/Latinx/Chicano/Tejano/Isleños/Boricua/Afro-Latino plus population was estimated … READ MORE…