What Lent means to me: A song

Every liturgical season is a reminder that many newcomers here at St. Paul’s come from other traditions,  and may not be familiar with the various seasons of the Episcopal church calendar.  This year, we’re asking members of the community, from “old hands” to recent arrivals,  to answer the question,  “what does Lent mean to me?”  We’ll … READ MORE…

What Lent means to me: Grounding, Listening, Detaching

Every liturgical season is a reminder that many newcomers here at St. Paul’s come from other traditions,  and may not be familiar with the various seasons of the Episcopal church calendar.  This year, we’re asking members of the community, from “old hands” to recent arrivals,  to answer the question,  “what does Lent mean to me?”  We’ll … READ MORE…

What Lent Means to Me: a new series

Every liturgical season is a reminder that many newcomers here at St. Paul’s come from other traditions,  and may not be familiar with the various seasons of the Episcopal church calendar.  This year, we’re asking members of the community, from “old hands” to recent arrivals,  to answer the question,  “what does Lent mean to me?”  We’ll … READ MORE…

Lenten Devotions

Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say – Father, save me from this hour? (John 12.27) “Look! Do you like it? I’m very proud of my painting. Do you think La Virgen likes it?” Eight year-old Elie, a participant in the Guadalupe Art Program, stood by her creation. “Oh yes, it’s wonderful,” … READ MORE…

Lenten Devotions

Thus says the Lord of hosts: See, disaster is spreading from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirring. (Jeremiah 25.32) “Please, I need your help – they can’t send me back. Everyone in my barrio depends on me. They worked so hard to save money to send me north. Don’t let them send … READ MORE…

Lenten Devotions

For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8.2) Traumatized and sobbing, the 13-year-old girl from Guatemala began her story. “In Tijuana they took me to a house where they sold me to men for sex. They warned me not … READ MORE…

A lenten look at homelessness

Homelessness is a growing phenomenon in America. It takes many forms: There are bankruptcies, foreclosures and short-sales.Banks collect homes when the unemployed default on their mortgage payments.Some people are homeless because of natural disasters like Haiti and Japan.Some are homeless and without kin, who are called orphans.Others are homeless due to revolutions and wars…the Palestinians … READ MORE…

Lenten Devotions

For the hurt of my poor people I am hurt, I mourn, and dismay has taken hold of me. (Jeremiah 8.21) “The coyote left me alone, abandoned,” said the young man from Central America. “I was lost for four days in the Arizona desert. But God helped me find the highway. I knelt down in … READ MORE…

Magical Moments: Lenten Lauds

You know when you discover something magical, something that really sings to your soul, and you want to wrap it up and bring it home? I felt that way at Mt. Calvary in Santa Barbara listening to Lauds. I attend Good Samaritan Episcopal up in UTC, but when I heard St. Paul’s was having a … READ MORE…

A Song for Lent

One of the things I do in my admittedly lazy retirement (besides volunteer work for St. Paul’s and occasional pro bono consulting) is the writing of hymntext – new verse for beloved Anglican tunes. My “Hymn For Jubilee,” written for the Jubilee Year 2000, received commendation from the Queen of England and the Archbishop of … READ MORE…