Dean’s Letter: Reproductive Choice

Hello St. Paul’s, In light of last week’s leaked draft of a US Supreme Court opinion about Roe vs Wade, a number of people have asked me what the Episcopal Church’s position is on a woman’s right to choose. You may already know that the Episcopal Church tends towards nuanced positions: as the self-appointed guardians … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Mixed Feelings

Hello St. Paul’s, You already know that there’s a lot going on here at the cathedral. We are seeing the completion of the new building, the chancel work is beginning, we have a new outreach and music partnership with Voices of our City, and we are restoring beloved traditions like the St. George’s Day celebration. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Holy Week Part 2

Hello St. Paul’s, By now we are well into Holy Week, the center of our year and our faith. We have celebrated the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and we have meditated deeply on the mystery of his Passion, as recounted by St. Luke. Now we turn to the Triduum, the three holiest days. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Holy Week Part 1

Hello St. Paul’s, On Sunday we will enter Holy Week, the center of the church year. The week before Easter is a time when we focus on the tragedy of the Cross and the paradox that this tragedy, the judicial murder of an innocent man, is the greatest gift that we have ever received. While … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Seeking Stephen Ministers

Hello St. Paul’s, I’ve talked about Stephen Ministry in a previous letter, but I want to bring it up again because we are hoping to schedule a training course of Stephen Ministers starting at the end of the summer. So, to start with, here’s a refresher: Stephen Ministry is an interdenominational, international, program that trains … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: New Space, New Neighbors

Hello St. Paul’s, In the next few weeks we will see the completion of 525 Olive, the apartment tower next door to the cathedral, and we will be preparing to move in and begin ministry in our space. Today seems like a good time to fill in some details that you may be wondering about. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Caring for Singles

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s been said that San Diego is the loneliest city in the US. If true, it’s a sad commentary, and one that the church should take to heart. We have an antidote for loneliness in the many opportunities we offer for group activities and collaborations. But we can always do more, and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Grand Plans

Hello St. Paul’s, I want to update you on the various capital projects and dreams that we are developing for the cathedral campus. First, the remodeling of the chancel to make it bigger, more flexible, more accessible, and safer: we now have a firm timeline, and the general contractor has started ordering materials, some of … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Notes from CEEP

Hello St. Paul’s, Welcome to the holy season of Lent. In this time of crisis and war, we hold the people of Ukraine in our hearts and pray for peace, healing, and a turning away from violence. We are blessed in this country to live without fear of invasion, and to be able to dream … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Episcopal Governance

Hello St. Paul’s, Last weekend we held our annual Chapter retreat, where we oriented new members and started to create a functioning community of leaders for the year ahead. A question raised during the day reminded me that there are plenty of people at St. Paul’s who may not be fluent in our Episcopal jargon, … READ MORE…