Dean’s Letter: Stephen Ministry Highlight

Hello St. Paul’s, Life seems to throw challenges our way, and even with good coping skills, family, and other resources, access to trained laypeople to provide one to one, high quality Christian care may be the safety net that makes all the difference. Stephen Ministers are lay people with a heart for caring ministry and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Survey Says…

Hello St. Paul’s, Merry Christmas to one and all! As most of you know, we asked you to complete a congregational survey in the fall, as the first step in our strategic planning process. I am very grateful to the 182 individuals who took the time to complete the survey. The Rev. Canon Gwynn Lynch … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Election Prayers from the Listening Hub

Hello St. Paul’s, We now know the outcome of Tuesday’s election, at least in broad strokes, and I know many of you are unhappy with the results. Regardless of events in the world, we are people of prayer, and our response to historic moments, whether they are joyful or tragic, always includes prayer. If you … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Why Adult Formation?

Hello St. Paul’s, As the fall gets underway, we are planning a variety of adult formation programs for all to enjoy. But you might wonder, why do adults need formation? If you grew up in a faith community, you likely attended Sunday School as a child and adolescent. Maybe you feel that you got enough … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: What is the Cathedral for the City?

If you’ve joined the Cathedral community in the last few years, you may have heard the tagline “Cathedral for the City” and wondered about it. The phrase was coined over a decade ago (before my time) and expresses what I think of as a very Anglican interpretation of a cathedral’s mission. In the Church of … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Making Tracks

Hello St. Paul’s, Welcome to the long green season! After Trinity Sunday on May 26, we will move into the second half of the church year and the standard liturgical color is green: green for growth. This part of the year is known as “Ordinary time”, not because it is less exciting than the Advent/Christmas/Lent/Easter … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Summer Music Invitation

Hello St. Paul’s, This weekend marks the beginning of our long green season and effectively the beginning of summer. In several recent years, we have enjoyed Summer Socials, informal gatherings at the homes of parishioners, every few weeks during this season. This year we are taking a slightly different approach, gearing our special summer gatherings … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Pentecost 2024

Hello St. Paul’s, This Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost. It’s a big deal: we think of Pentecost as the birthday of the Church (not just St. Paul’s but the entire Christian church); it’s one of the five occasions in the year recommended for baptism; and it marks the end of the Easter season and the … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Who Are These all Robed in White

Hello St. Paul’s, From time to time someone makes a comment that makes me realize that they think we have a lot of clergy on staff. When you see all those robed individuals in the procession on Sunday, it’s easy to assume that they are all on staff, and you probably wonder about all the … READ MORE…