This is your family

My four days in the hospital taught me quite a lot about being laid up. My attitude toward visiting people in the hospital had always been one that ranged from wondering if I should go, to downright reluctance. I’d consider going, and then wonder if a visit from me would be welcome, if the person … READ MORE…


My first foray away from my sofa or bed was on Ash Wednesday for noon services. I was scheduled to read the second lesson, and I was determined to be there. I felt that I was in pretty good shape after the events of the preceding Friday, lucky and blessed not to have broken legs … READ MORE…

Strategies for Handling Stress

Why is it that the vacation calm can go away so fast when you get home and back into the demands of life? I always tell myself on vacation to just stay calm and relaxed like I am on vacation – but within hours of being home and back in the demands of day to … READ MORE…

Closing the Circle

Pat at the Tatoo Sometimes in life something happens to us in such a miraculous way that it simply has to be shared. And thus it is that I’m writing this article to share with my St. Paul’s Family. I recently took a trip to Scotland. I was able to check something off my “Bucket … READ MORE…

Monday Interfaith Service at Occupy San Diego

Occupy for Jesus! I’ve been down to Occupy San Diego four times–most recently to attend the interfaith prayer service on Monday. That morning Occupy had dwindled down to a rag-tag bunch that was chiefly holding the space. It was mostly young people–lots of dreads and piercings as some critics have noted–with an older crowd attending … READ MORE…

Remembering 9/11

Dear Friends in Christ,   If you have been attending to the media this week then you know that our country is working hard to make sense of 9/11. We are remembering, reflecting, and once again sharing our feelings about that horrific crime as well as the decisions and events of the decade that followed. … READ MORE…

Cathedral Characters: A Cathedral True to its Roots

Brooke McGillis is a therapist and the director of the San Diego Pastoral Counseling Center. The center is a quiet therapy office located on campus. As Brooke says, “there’s a direct connection between one’s faith and their happiness,” so it’s appropriate for the center to be located in the heart of the cathedral. All are … READ MORE…

There’s no blog without you.

Have you noticed that there’s not much activity on the blog this week?  That’s because we haven’t heard from YOU! In 2009, when Chris Harris and I started working on the blog project, we named it All Our Voices because we wanted it to represent everyone at St Paul’s.  I think we’ve been very successful, … READ MORE…

It Gets Better: let’s make a video!

Are you familiar with the “It Gets Better” campaign? It is a grass-roots video campaign that was developed after the horrible spate of LGBT teen suicides this past year, to encourage LGBT youth to hang in there, because life DOES get better. This campaign has now taken off, not only featuring videos from people around … READ MORE…