Wedding gifts, wedding blessings

Marriage is on our mind this week. There’s the upcoming “Conversation on Marriage” at Skyline Church this Sunday, and a new 9am Forum Series asking “What makes long lasting relationships?” aimed at those in same-sex pr heterosexual relationship.  This series is led by Dr. Marjorie Coburn, a clinical psychologist. The first forum on Sunday August 5th … READ MORE…

The New Cathedral Garden

I want to thank everyone who helped out on my Eagle Scout project to replace the garden of grass and other plants at St. Paul’s along Nutmeg St. and 6th Avenue into a drought tolerant garden. The project had some challenges but overall went well. It was very satisfying to get all the work done … READ MORE…

Farewell to Scott and Mary (video)

 Dear Friends in Christ, Wise observers have noted that the two deepest needs human beings have are to be seen and appreciated. Mary and I leave Saint Paul’s with a deep sense of fulfillment in this regard.  We had a wonderful concluding weekend – a fun party on Saturday and moving worship on Sunday – … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Vaya Con Dios

Vaya Con Dios (Bi-Lingual Service) Saint Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego Proper 7B (RCL); June 24, 2012 Scott Richardson + Gracious God, Let these words be more than words and give us the spirit of Jesus. Amen. I don’t speak much Spanish but I know what the words “Vaya con Dios” mean – go with God. … READ MORE…

New People of Faith (part 2 of 2)

 Praise God that He can use me/us even when we miss the mark (as unfortunately Bonhoeffer did at the end of his life) and God can use us for His purposes, in spite of ourselves! Therefore, I would like to continue quoting from Dietrich Bonhoeffer. When God/Christ calls you – He calls you to come and … READ MORE…

A Rose By Any Other Name

             “Camille Saint-Saens was wracked with pains             When people referred to him as Saint SANES.             He held the human race to blame             Because it could not pronounce his name.” That’s Ogden Nash. He wrote some verses to accompany Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Sains, and starts his … READ MORE…

New People of Faith (part 1 of 2)

There are a few things that most Christians will agree on: 1)  Jesus said we are to love God, with our whole heart and to love our self, and to love others, and to love our enemies. 2 Jesus said: Do onto others as you want them to do onto you 3) Jesus admonishes us: Whatsoever you … READ MORE…