Thoughts on comments

We welcome comments here at the St Paul’s blog, and are happy for anyone to engage our authors. Everyone who writes here likes to know what you think about their essays or reports or sermons. We also encourage everyone to sign their comments, although this is not required.  Of course, not all readers will agree with … READ MORE…

2015 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of St Paul’s Cathedral was held on Sunday 18 January.  In addition to the serious business of voting on finance, staff reports, and strategic updates, we enjoyed the presentation of the Robinson Cross, named for the first rector of St Paul’s (before it was a Cathedral).  This is an honor given to … READ MORE…

Moral Dilemma, part 2

Recently, Robert shared with us a moral dilemma, and several people wrote thoughtful comments.  Here’s his follow-up on the situation he described.   As you probably figured out, I sent the moral dilemma essay out to quite a few of you (around 50, I think), as well as on the blog, and got back an … READ MORE…

Moral Dilemma

For the second or third night this season, a homeless woman has lodged herself inside the entry way to our condo building. It provides a fairly good shelter: doors to the walkway close but don’t lock, and the entry has plenty of room for someone to lie down in it. It’s almost a private room; … READ MORE…

The Word

“and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us…”  This clause from what is often called the prologue to St John’s Gospel is central to the message of Christmas, but at that point, we’ve only begun to understand the meaning of “Word.” The evangelist shows us that the Word did more than ‘dwell’ with … READ MORE…

Volunteers: the Church’s True Treasure

Every year when we celebrate Christmas I am newly reminded of the enormous amount of quiet ministry offered by volunteers at the church. Our staff work hard, but they cannot do everything that needs to be done here. I relish the opportunity publicly to thank those who make special efforts for our major feasts: the … READ MORE…

Thank you, Christine !

On 14 December, we commemorated the retirement of Christine Spalding as Canon for Administration.  This included a presentation of photograph of the window in the South Transept (familiar sight to all who serve on the altar!) and during the reception, everyone was invited to sign the matte around the photo. Thank you Christine for your … READ MORE…

My First Tour In San Diego

The first time that I took a bus in San Diego was the second day after I arrived in this city. I helped my friend Martha to move from San Francisco. She rented a U-Haul and we drove down from there to here. We arrived Sunday evening, and Martha worked the following day, so it … READ MORE…

The AIDS walk team

On Saturday, a small but enthusiastic team from St Paul’s headed out for the annual AIDS walk, to raise money for people living with HIV/AIDS.  Thanks to Susan Hulbert for the photos!