New Call for the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle

Dear friends at St. Paul’s After a long summer of supplying in Palm Springs this summer, I am looking forward to preaching this coming Sunday (October 5th) at the 8 a.m. service (the one with the non-four legged friends on St. Francis Day!). We will announce an important transition regarding our shared ministries – I … READ MORE…

Meet Colin and Laurel, our new curates

Ordination, 2013 We’re home!  That’s how it feels to return to the Cathedral as its newest members of the clergy. After moving to San Diego from Washington, D.C., we first came to St. Paul’s for the Blessing of the Animals service in 2007. What a sight! We decided quickly that any church comfortable enough with … READ MORE…

Sermon: a Martha and Mary Moment

This is the text of the sermon by The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas, 18 July 2010 Today‘s Gospel reading from Luke tends to make women feel uncomfortable. Because there really aren’t that many stories about women in scripture, we tend to pay close attention to those that do, but this one cuts a little close … READ MORE…

That First Day

On July 1, 1958, Gresham Oregon was a small farming community of 5,000 people about twelve miles east of Portland, Oregon. That morning, at age twenty, I became a novice in the Society of St. Paul at our first Mass at St. Luke the Physician Episcopal Church in the town where the founder of our … READ MORE…

St John’s Ketchikan needs a new rector

On a recent visit to Alaska, we visited St John’s Ketchikan, Alaska, and St Peter’s-by-the-sea, Sitka. The retiring rector of St John’s asked all the visitors to spread the word that they need a new rector for this small, but friendly parish nestled in this pretty town. Since the Cathedral community is large and we … READ MORE…

Reflections of The Rev. Canon Gerry Walcutt

Greetings from the leadership and members of Gerry’s professional association, The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, gathered for their annual meeting in Kansas City. Several of us just came from there. Gerry is being remembered by the Association today in their memorial service. Gerry focused most of his professional life as pastor and priest in … READ MORE…

In Memory of The Rev. Canon Gerry Walcutt

Dear Friends in Christ,It is with a sad and grateful heart that I tell you of The Reverend Canon Gerry Walcutt’s death. Gerry passed away quickly a day or so after our observance of Easter, a celebration in which he participated. Gerry was born in Ohio, raised as a Methodist, served during WWII, and came … READ MORE…