As the UN Climate Conference, COP26, continues until 11/12, please consider this or a similar prayer for its success:
Creator God, on behalf of the poor, the disenfranchised, climate refugees, and victims of disasters, we pray that a spirit of empathy would so deeply move the COP26 decision makers that they will commit to positive and deliberate action in this climate emergency: for your love’s sake. Amen
And as we consider the critical importance of the Conference’s outcomes, here is a way to include ourselves in a vision of Creation Care change (click for article).
Also, to continue sharing our prayerful support:
Join in Prayer for the climate crisis and for our COP26 Delegation:
Episcopalians will be joining together for “Climate Compline” each evening on Zoom during COP26 (October 31 to November 12) at 5 pm PT (8 pm ET). All are welcome to join this Zoom offering, and encouraged to invite their communities and bring their prayers and thanksgivings. (Prayers will be available in Spanish as well as English. Please note that the link is a direct Zoom link, not a registration page.)