Many of us are worried about the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren as we learn more about human caused climate change. We take actions to reduce our carbon footprint, but we also need policy changes to meet our climate goals. On July 13, 2023 Senator Merkley and Reps. Schakowsky and Jayapal reintroduced the Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution (S.Con.Res.13, H.Con.Res.56). This “Children’s Climate Rights” resolution supports the principles underpinning the youth-led climate case Juliana v. United States.
Contact your legislators NOW and urge them to cosponsor the resolution (S.Con.Res.13, H.Con.Res.56) by visiting the Youth v Gov action page. Find the most up-to-date list of 80+ cosponsors, including 14 Senators, and 140+ endorsing organizations. Also, it is not too late to personally endorse the resolution.
Youth v. Gov tells us that the Children’s Climate Rights Resolution recognizes that the human caused climate crisis disproportionately affects the health, economic opportunity, and fundamental rights of children and demands that the United States develop a national, science-based and just climate recovery plan to meet necessary emissions reduction targets.