St Paul’s Cathedral in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, along with church communities throughout the world, will celebrate a Season of Creation from September 5 through October 3, 2021. Through worship, education, and action we will ignite our commitment to act with a grounding in the wonder of God’s creation in this critical climate emergency.
With our church colleagues in the Diocese we invite our congregations to increase efforts to mitigate the harm of climate change, especially to vulnerable communities who are primarily the poor and people of color; our future generations; and all creatures of our common home.
Sunday, September 5: 8 am and 10:30 service with an introduction of the Season of Creation and related prayers
Thursday, September 9: 8 am Morning Prayer via Zoom (see calendar). Contact dianelopezhughes@gmail.com
Sunday, September 12: 8 and 10:30 am services include Creation prayers
Thursday, September 16: 6 to 8 pm Kiss the Ground,” a film, followed by discussion, addressing both the problems of and solutions to climate change will be hosted by St. Margaret’s Church, Palm Desert. In person or Zoom. Contact johnepick@mac.com ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/99791430688?pwd=U0U4RjE0d0ZHQXc3a25mY1dWbnk3UT09
Sunday, September 19: 8 and 10:30 am services include Creation prayers
Sunday, September 26: 8 and 10:30 am services include Creation prayers
9 am Faith Forum on Creation Justice
Thursday, September 30: 5:30 -7pm Centering Prayer with a focus on our connection with Creation. First thirty minutes of informal discussion followed by two twenty-five minute meditation sits. Contact lulu2parsons@gmail.com for Zoom Link.
Saturday, October 2: 10am – 2pm: Be The Change Festival climate solutions through a nationwide celebration of the many benefits of electric vehicles and home electrification, sponsored by the Environmental Stewardship Team of St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church of Poway and the Electric Vehicle Association of San Diego. Register at https://driveelectricweek.org/index
Sunday, October 3: 8 and 10:30 am Blessing of the Animals (St Francis Day) and completion of Season of Creation
Recommended prayer for the Season (CLICK HERE)
You can watch our 8 am and 10:30 am services on our website, YouTube or Facebook. Zoom links can be found on our Calendar.
Suggested actions will be shared in Simpler Living’s email and webpage. St Paul’s Cathedral Simpler Living Ministry webpage