A final message from Judy Moore, who is retiring as people’s warden:
As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.
A few notes from the December Chapter meeting (I was still in Florida). Robin Taylor began her new role as Director of the Children, With Christine Spalding’s retirement in December; there have been some job title changes: the new title for Colin Mathewson is now Priest Associate for Mission, Laurel Mathewson is now Priest Associate for Formation, and Bob Oslie is the new Office Manager.
Our Chapter meeting January 6th offered a number of reports. Hopefully, many of you attended Bart Smoot’s Forum on finance January 4th. It was detailed, easy to understand with an excellent Power Point presentation; it was well received by those in attendance. I highly recommend you watch the video of that Forum – I’m sure it is on our web site by now. Bart also talked about the 2015 budget and it was extensively discussed. The was based on the expectation that our pledges will increase by $45,000 from last year’s budget; and provides for a 3% staff cost of living adjustment; a Music Assistant position; and a substantial Diocesan Mission Share increase. Bart noted the Cathedral recently received a bequest for $125,000 from the estate of Anne Will and a gift for $40,000. As Chair of the Finance Committee, Bart requested time to discuss how these funds should be allocated.
A few updates on Building and Grounds: In the coming year, the wooden counters in the kitchen will be replaced with stainless steel tables on rollers (and I think I heard rumors about new stoves); a columbarium will be installed in the Chapel; and the space left to us by the Diocese opened a whole lot of room for Cathedral staff to inhabit – accounting is there, Laurel’s office, a ministry center has been established – all with phones, internet access, desk workspaces and sofas for informal meetings.
The Dean’s report, provided prior to the Chapter meeting, included: the Cathedral Staff Handbook is complete and undergoing legal review. She noted that Rev. Canon Lee Teed has resigned from the Cathedral Chapter due to health issues and she will be sorely missed. Some upcoming staff turnover to report: Robert Heylmun has volunteered to replace retiring Bob Reed as Clerk for the Chapter; Helena Chan has expressed interest in serving as your next People’s Warden; and Don Pellioni will continue as Dean’s Warden
Dean Penny reported that Betsey Monsell has completed her term on the Endowment Committee and has accepted the position of Cathedral Treasurer as Guin Kerstetter has retired after nine dedicated service as
our Treasurer and we are most appreciative of her financial guidance. George Kuhrtz has accepted the Dean’s request to act as Chair of the Endowment Committee. And lastly, Advent and Christmas was everything and more that Penny had wished for.
Colin’s report on Latino/a Ministry was encouraging – there were 115 folks who attended the Our Lady of Guadalupe service on a very rainy night. He noted that Robin Taylor “hit the ground running” with her new position leading the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry. Christine D’Amico’s farewell was heartfelt and involved many of the families with whom she’s worked and ministered over five years. Susan Hulbert and John Stender-Custer have agreed to co-lead a summer youth mission trip – more to follow!
Our Dean’s Warden, Don Pellioni, reminded us of the Annual Meeting which will take place January 18th, directly after the 10:30 service. Lunch will be served and our new Chapter members will be officially installed. We say farewell and thank you for the three years of service by outgoing Chapter members Vicki Hoppenrath, Susan Hulbert, Roger Haenke and yours truly.
The Vision for Mission (V4M) Committee presented “A Resolution of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Saint Paul…” whereby the Chapter adopted the Core Values of Community, Abundance, Service, Love and Faith; a Vision Statement that the Cathedral serves as a center of transformative love, faith, and service and is an inclusive, Christ-Centered community that welcomes all people on their journey of faith; and a Mission Statement of Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All.
Under New Business, it was recommended that the candidacy of Jackie Bray for Holy Orders be approved, and revisions to the By-laws were presented. Both actions were approved.
And that is about all she wrote for her final People’s Warden report. It has been wonderful getting to know so many of you, sharing your thoughts and concerns, and with such a period of transition in the last three years, it has been very heartening to see our congregation come to love and be thankful for our great Dean, The Very Rev. Penny Bridges.
Blessings and joy to each and every one of you!
Judy Moore
People’s Warden
Thank you for writing these summaries of the Chapter Meetings. They have kept me informed and are fun too.
Joyce Vogel