To get our newly reconstructed Chapter off on the right foot, a retreat was held this past weekend. Elected Chapter members, Chapter appointees and Cathedral staff gathered Friday evening and all day Saturday at St. Paul Plaza in Chula Vista – the newest senior living facility which was recently built by St. Paul’s Senior Services.
Friday evening’s activities included an introductory dinner followed by a small-group sharing of Spiritual Autobiographies. The exercise proved valuable for all and really helped bond the group.
Saturday morning brought us together again to share Morning Prayer prior to getting to work. Boosted by delicious pastries, coffee, juice and fruit, not to mention THE COOKIES, we were led through presentations regarding the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of Chapter members. Andrew Brooks was able to deliver the By-Laws, Canons and Legal responsibilities in a way which was concise and understandable – dare I say interesting? Betsey Monsell and Erin Sacco-Pineda gave a full over view and much specific detail of our financial situation, both past and present. Finally, Ken Tranbarger presented the nutshell version of 15+ years of the Cathedral Campus Redevelopment Plan and the Nutmeg and Olive LLC entity. This sweeping overview helped to ground us firmly in the knowledge of the scope of our multifaceted responsibilities.
Now we were ready to tackle the larger conversation of what do to about the results of the Vision for Mission process, which has recently been completed. After much discernment and “boiling down”, the Vision for Mission committee was able to bring forth 6 goals with clear objectives and clearly defined strategic actions. Chapter is charged with prioritizing the various strategic actions. Additionally it was decided that each Chapter member is obligated to act as liaison for at least one goal and its accompanying strategic actions. It was decided that we move forward in creating a Dashboard to monitor progress make mid-course adjustments as necessary. Being transparent in implementing the Vision for Mission and in tracking key financial markers will help to ensure that we minimize unforeseen programming pitfalls or budget gaps.
And that was just the morning! After lunch we worked with Jeff Martinhauk on Congregational Vitality. He provided some interesting facts and figures from several national surveys about church growth and success. He covered issues from stewardship to communications and it is clear that he has the expertise and energy to help us to measure, nurture and grow our true worth. There are exciting times ahead!
Colin and Laurel Mathewson added meaningful opportunities for guided reflection along the way. Colin helped us to consider Servant Leadership during our working lunch (as necessitated by a very full schedule!) and Laurel wrapped up the day with a theological reflection on Community.
All in all, time well spent. Despite the multitude of gifts and perspectives brought to Chapter, our communal depth of knowledge of the task ahead is unified and strengthened by our time together. Now we get to put the concepts into action. Stay tuned.
Until next month, I am your People’s Warden,
Elizabeth Carey.
Can you share the six goals?
GOAL I: Cathedral for the City & the Diocese
St. Paul’s will serve the diocese and the city of San Diego as a sanctuary for all and a center for spiritual formation where diverse religious and civic voices engage the issues of the day.
Goal II: Community
SPC will be known as a community of Christ, with groups and ministries that are accessible to all
Goal III: Formation
We will be the recognized Diocesan leader in child, youth and adult Christian formation, through instructional, experiential, service, and mission opportunities.
Goal IV: Music & Arts
SPC seeks, through high quality music, performing and visual arts, to draw people into the holy and into the heart of God.
Goal V: Outreach & Justice
SPC will be known for reaching out with love and compassion, advocating and working for all that is just.
Goal VI: Worship
Our worship will draw people deeply into the presence of God, honoring tradition and exploring fresh expressions of faith.