People’s Warden Report

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees as well as the Board of Directors of Saint Paul’s Senior Homes and Services. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.

In lieu of our monthly meeting in March, we had our annual Chapter Retreat at All Souls Episcopal Church on March 16th. The Profile Committee was profoundly thanked for their intensive and diligent work on developing the draft Cathedral Profile Report. A great portion of this meeting was focused on the Church Assessment Tool (CAT). The video production incorporated 409 responses from the congregation and the results were simply wonderful: we have a great church, a great staff and a great congregation! If you were unable to attend the Forum on April 21st to view this video, it will be on our web site soon and I encourage you to visit it and, for those of us who have seen it, to revisit it again! Thank you, Rebecca McClain, for bring this CAT report to us and thank you to our congregation who so graciously participated in this survey.

At our April 10th Chapter meeting, the Search Committee has met four times with the Interim Dean covering a variety of practical matters in the search for a new Dean. They were officially commissioned at the 10:30 a.m. service on April 21st. And they are: Laurie Gunn, Chair, Christie Fleming, Chaplain, Ana Garcia Diocesan Representative, Brad Lovelace, Jeff Bates, Guin Kerstetter, Bart Smoot, John Walsh, Paula Peeling, Helena Chan and Margaret Hernandez.

The Finance Committee is developing a compensation package recommendation for use when the Search Committee negotiates with prospective Deans. Bart Smoot presented a financial report for the cathedral in a new format of which has been simplified for clarity. Christine Spalding reported the Cathedral heating system is now functioning (for the offices; continue to wear warm winter clothing at Cathedral services!) and that Trepte Construction approved our policies concerning safely hanging objects on the Cathedral interior walls.

Our Dean’s Warden, Mark Lester, received the approval from Chapter to form a subcommittee to refine the Profile Report and members include Mark, Susan Hulbert, Helena Chan and the Rev. Allisyn Thomas. As your People’s Warden, I continue to attend the Misa services which I find very beautiful in spite of my very limited Spanish. Father Bjorn is a jewel as are the folks who attend this service. At the April 28th Misa, we will be celebrating the children complete with a Piñata. If you have children, bring them and enjoy a special Misa.

The Very Rev. Allisyn Thomas reported excellent Easter Week attendance. Brooks Mason was ordained to the Vocational Diaconate the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, April 7th. Colin and Laurel Mathewson were ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on Saturday, April 20th.

And the Very Rev. Rebecca McClain reported she has enjoyed very much serving at the Cathedral and I would venture to say we all consider her a blessing to have her with us.

As always, I encourage you to talk to me during coffee hour after the 10:30pm or 1:00p.m. services or contact me at if you have any thoughts or concerns.

Blessings and joy to all of you.

Judy Moore

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