From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
Week Two of Climate Stewards
Carbon Fast for Lent invites us to eat lower down the food chain, fasting from meat and/or dairy to reduce our carbon footprint by eating more plants. Here are their suggestions for our consideration, in the order of difficulty:
- choose to cut out either meat or dairy from your diet this week. If you are vegan, choose to cut out coffee or dark chocolate (both have high emissions in production).
- fast from both meat and dairy this week. Make a plan to go meat-free at least once a week from now on. If you are vegan, fast from rice and look for carbs with a lower carbon footprint.
- fast from meat and dairy until Easter. Host a plant-based meal for friends. If you are a vegan, try cutting out all products containing palm oil.
Raise awareness by sharing favorite vegan recipes on social media, or making a treat for family or friends.
We give thanks, O God, for the opportunity to worship you this day’, and we remember with joy and gratitude all your creatures whose beauty and diversity enriches our lives beyond measure. We ask forgiveness for the many ways in which animals are abused and exploited, through both ignorance; and greed and we confess our part in their suffering, acknowledging the times we have remained silent, lacking the courage to speak out in their defence.
Grant us, O merciful God, humble and contrite hearts and a clear vision of your purpose for us in your world, that we may become faithful stewards of your wondrous creation. These things we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen
-Linda J. Bodicoat