MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT is an addition to our Announcements, Blog, and Facebook page. Please feel free to contact me about a ministry you are involved in. Remember ministries are not only through the Cathedral. You may be sharing your spiritual gifts with ministries outside the Cathedral, (such as Hands Up Food Pantry or Uptown Faith). To Spotlight your ministry please email Vicki Hoppenrath at
Ministry Spotlight: WOMEN TOGETHER
Volunteer: Nancy Tarbell
Describe your ministry:
The women of St. Paul’s Cathedral gather monthly from October through May for a simple supper, themed program, guest speakers and discussions on what it means to be a Christian woman in a diverse world. Together we seek to deepen our faith as we interact with the rest of the world and explore the challenges women everywhere face in their daily lives. Meetings are open to all women in the community. View our schedule at .
What have you learned about yourself through your ministry? I’m finding that I can deepen my daily spiritual journey by incorporating practices shown to us by our guest speakers. And I’ve discovered a renewed interest in learning about other faith traditions, unveiling our common faith in God. Last but not least, I realize more and more the importance of fellowship.
Have you seen Jesus through your ministry? When women tell me how much they appreciate this ministry, that it brings them closer to God and each other, I know this is Jesus at work amongst us.
What is the biggest secret about your ministry? Our guest speakers are theologians, professors, authors and ministers. Their talks often include the practical aspects of deepening our daily spiritual lives. Sometimes they teach us about other faith traditions. They not only give us something to think about each day, they often give us new tools and skills to put into practice.
Why would you recommend your ministry to another person? Attending Women Together meetings is a great way to
become more a part of Cathedral life. Enjoying fellowship with other
women enriches our lives. And the dinners are yummy. The ministry is run
by volunteers; working alongside other volunteers is very rewarding!
What is the time commitment? Monthly meetings last an hour and a half. We begin with a light supper at 6 pm, followed by a guest speaker from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. One does not ‘join’ Women Together; meeting/dinner reservations are made each month. The time commitment for volunteers varies with each task, from 15 minutes a month to two to three hours a month. Volunteers can choose their level of commitment. Current vacancies include back-ups for hospitality at meetings, publicity, computer RSVP tracking, and others. Minimal training is required, although some tasks depend on computer skills. If you are interested please contact me at –