St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action:

Along with other Episcopal congregations throughout the country, St. Paul’s will hold Migration with Dignity Sunday. Initiated by TEC Episcopal Migration Caucus, this effort supports the “Migration with Dignity” resolution adopted last summer at General Convention which promotes “specific principles about migration that resonate with the teachings of Jesus and our baptismal promise to ‘respect the dignity of every human being.’” For the full text of this resolution (Click Here)
In addition to dedicated liturgies, the day will include advocacy tabling after the services to offer information and ways that interested individuals can get involved, including
- The newly forming Cathedral Sanctuary Task Force
- Updates on EDSD’s collaboration with the Episcopal Diocese of Western Mexico on Comunidad de Luz, a shelter for migrant women and children
- The opportunity to learn more about how we can follow this baptismal vow
- Information about trips to visit the Comunidad de Luz with Via International
Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let us sow love.