From our Simpler Living Committee
As we move through winter, and start to think spring, here’s a creative idea to get your gardening juices moving. Interfaith Power and Light (a Creation Care partner of St. Paul’s Cathedral) has put together a Pizza Garden Seed Kit. Included are heirloom seeds of tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs. There’s nothing like tending a garden to get in touch with the earth, to nourish our bodies and souls by becoming part of the interconnected web of life. I can almost taste that pizza! You can purchase your kits for $25 at Interfaith Power and Light’s Website (Click Here)
Holy One, you have given us the good earth to till and the plants to nourish us. Help us to care for these gifts with love and enjoyment, that we may know our connection to the land, and give thanks to you, our creator. Amen
By Carolyn Lief