Letter from Richard: 154 Years In The Making

St. Paul’s has a brilliant tradition in the arts, from architecture to stained glass, and almost all of it is shaped in some way by our collective love of music. Not all of us may be able to read music, and chanting mass settings of Rachmaninoff is not a skill we all share, but we all appreciate the depth and breadth of this part of our common life. For all of this, our musicians have never had a proper home on our campus. Call it irony, or a can-do attitude by our musicians, but they have made it work for the entirety of our ministry as a cathedral, and before, without a singular space to rehearse. Instead, like the Lenten season we have passed through (Alleluia!), our choir and choristers have had to meander the cathedral grounds like a sort of wilderness, tenting up where they can find space among the very active life of our campus.

Here’s the teaser: This Sunday, April 7th, we’ll be unveiling big plans to change this. After each service, we will celebrate some milestones of achievement and peek at the future during coffee hour. If you are able to join us for coffee hour after the 8AM or 10:30AM services, we would deeply appreciate your participation this weekend in what promises to be a generational project for St. Paul’s. The transformation we will reveal will be the creative core as we strive to be the Cathedral for the City. As Dean Penny has said, it’s only 154 years in the making!

During this season of the Resurrection, we are focusing our efforts on a transformative project for our campus that will lift the voices of our music department and musical partner organizations. Please join us in finishing this journey strong. Together we are bringing new life, harmony, and dignity to our musical programming at St. Paul’s and our city. Alleluia, alleluia! 

The Reverend Canon Richard Hogue

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