Hello, St. Paul’s Parish Family!
My name is Angel Ibarra, and I have been a member of the St. Paul’s Parish community for two years. Some of you may also know me professionally as the Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships and Government Affairs with Episcopal Community Services (ECS). It is an honor to write this week’s letter, and I want to thank Dean Penny and Fr. Richard for this opportunity, and to all of you who are reading.
In this week’s gospel, Jesus sends out his apostles to bring his message of peace and mercy to those in need. As part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we are tasked with this mission in our daily lives, both individually and as a united community of faith. This idea of accompaniment, or meeting people where they are with peace and mercy, is central to how we live out our faith. As a parish, we have great examples of accompaniment, with wonderful ministries led by dedicated volunteers from our own community. I am proud that St. Paul’s has been a beacon for promoting and advancing the ideals of peace and mercy throughout the San Diego region, and that is a true testament to the values we hold as a parish community.

We are also blessed to belong to an even greater community of faith, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, which extends far beyond our parish boundaries. Part of our Diocese includes the programs and services of Episcopal Community Services (ECS). Every day, I experience how ECS lives out the mission of accompaniment, by significantly impacting the lives of many people struggling with addiction, poverty, mental health, and homelessness. The services we provide meet the immediate needs of those in need and address underlying issues that perpetuate poverty and homelessness. It is through these services that ECS shares its Episcopal identity and mission across 23 locations in San Diego, positively impacting 7,000 families each year and regularly interacting with local elected officials and community leaders. As a result, ECS empowers individuals and families to build a better future for themselves and their community.
With this framework of accompaniment, we invite you to be part of the ECS community of friends and supporters! It is an exciting time at ECS, as we are actively launching new programs and services. A few highlights include: the expansion of our behavioral and mental health services for families, the opening of our new Harm Reduction Safe Haven facility in Point Loma, and the soon-to-be-launched residential drug and alcohol treatment program for Transition Age Youth (TAY) a few blocks away in Hillcrest.
But remember, ECS cannot achieve these milestones alone; it truly takes a collective effort from our Episcopal community, including St. Paul’s, to make them a reality. I invite you to accompany us during this exciting time of breaking barriers and transforming communities. Please visit our website at (www.ecscalifornia.org) to learn more. You may also contact me directly at (aibarra@ecscalifornia.org) or catch me after the 10:30 am service. Will you join us on this incredible journey?
Angel Ibarra