From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Ministry
Our faith calls us to justice for all. What do you say to “advancing equity in climate justice communities through better access to jobs, education, medical care, recreation, and through reducing air pollution?” Think that’s possible?
Yes, we can! San Diego, Let’s Go! offers “a historic opportunity to invest in transportation throughout the San Diego region for generations. With transportation responsible for nearly half of carbon emissions in San Diego, Let’s Go! would expand transit and active transportation infrastructure to meet our climate action goals, and give people greater freedom of movement…. A viable transit system will benefit drivers by reducing congestion and commute times. The measure also provides funds for road maintenance, including fixing potholes and bridge retrofits, and for expanding the electric car charging network. And we will all benefit from less air pollution.”
Stop by the Simpler Living’s table every Sunday this summer during the Coffee Hour and sign the petition in support of transportation equity in the county. The petition requires your signature as it appears on your driver’s license.
This action is one of the many ways that we can promote justice for our neighbors throughout the county.
God of justice, we celebrate the beauty of your creation. Make of us one mind and heart to support transportation solutions that benefit your people and planet. We ask this through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen