“Lean into Sunday” is an invitation to explore the coming Sunday’s Gospel reading. Each week, families will have an opportunity to read, respond to, and live out the Gospel as a family.
About this week’s Gospel:
Jesus heals two people, an elderly woman, and a young girl, neither of whom had any status in their community. The power that was flowing out from Jesus into them can also flow into the things that need healing in our lives, but we must risk opening up to receive it. Jesus seems to insist that the most important work happens in the ordinary and that our faith makes us well.
Opening Prayer:
Gracious and Healing God, we pray for those who are sick, [especially, __ .] We want them to get well. Uphold them in their sickness and fill them with grace, that they may know the healing power of your love. Amen.
Read the Gospel:
Mark 5:21-43
Jesus got off a boat, and a big group of people surrounded him by the sea. One of the leaders of the local synagogue fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to heal his little girl, who was dying. “Come with me, Jesus. Lay your hands on her, and she will live.” So Jesus pushed everyone aside and went with the man.
A large crowd followed him, and pushed him. A woman who has suffered for twelve years was in the crowd. She had seen many doctors but no one was able to help her. She’d heard about Jesus and thought, “If only I can touch his clothes, I’ll be healed.” Right that instant, she got better. And right that instant Jesus felt some power leave his body. He turned around and said, “Who touches my clothes?” The disciples said, “Jesus, look at all these people! They’re all touching your clothes.” Still he wanted to know who had touched him. The woman came up to him. She told him the whole truth. And Jesus said to her, “You have such a strong faith. You are healed. Go, be at peace and live a happy life.
While he was talking to her, people came from the synagogue leader’s house to tell him that his little girl had died. ”Don’t bother Jesus anymore. She’s gone.” Jesus heard that and said, “Don’t be afraid. Believe instead.” And Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him to the house, where they saw all kinds of people crying because the girl was dead. Jesus went in and said, “Why are you all crying? She’s not dead. She’s just sleeping.” They laughed at him through their tears. He threw them all out of the house and took the little girl’s parents with him into her room and raised her from the dead. People were stunned with amazement. He told them not to tell anybody about this, and then said, “Why don’t you get her something to eat? She must be very hungry.
From “God’s Word, My Voice: a Lectionary for Children” by Lyn Zill Briggs
Respond: Pray for the Sick
1. Explain that God uses our prayers in ways we may not understand, but God always uses our prayers. Ask your child if they know anyone who is sick. Be ready to include people in your immediate circle of friends and family, your community, and the world.
2. Pray for members of the church who have asked for prayer by contacting the Rev. Canon Brooks Mason for the most up-to-date prayer list. His email is masonb@stpaulcathedral.org
3. Every Sunday, we read the names of people who have requested prayer during the Prayers of the People. Click here to hear the prayer list as of June 20, 2021. You can play the video with your kids or remember the names to pray together later.
4. Ask your children to pray with you. You can use the opening prayer above, or this one (adapted from Prayers of the People Form IV).
“Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit; [especially __] give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your healing love.
Then ask, “Does anyone want to add to this prayer?” Accept what they offer, and if they offer nothing, that is OK, too. Then, simply add: “Amen.”
Go: Make a card for someone who is sick.
Send an e-card or a physical card for someone who is sick. You can print out the template black and white template below for a physical card, or craft an email with your kids and attach the jpg, also linked below.