Healing in the Presence

It’s warm and beautifully sunny today and I get to take a walk this afternoon. Not so many weeks ago, I was in a Santa Fe, NM hospital – frightened, anxious, massively sick and in pain; in that place I couldn’t imagine that I would ever feel good again.

Looking back, I see myself – lying in the darkened room and “talking” with God. Laying my fears and my tears at God’s feet, often not having the words to express myself but trusting that God knew me in ways that required no words. So many times I did that.

Looking again, I see the flowers from my Cathedral family and feel the prayers, support and affection they represented. There you were – all around me. Though there aren’t words to express my gratitude and love for you, please know I believe I am healing because of your prayers.

Wonderful Cathedral family, you are the gift beyond price. Soon I’ll be able to see you in church – what a day that will be….

Cherie Dean

We all wish Cherie a speedy recovery and send her much love.

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