Farewell to Scott and Mary (video)

 Dear Friends in Christ,

Wise observers have noted that the two deepest needs human beings have are to be seen and appreciated. Mary and I leave Saint Paul’s with a deep sense of fulfillment in this regard.  We had a wonderful concluding weekend – a fun party on Saturday and moving worship on Sunday – and for that we give you and God thanks. But we are even more grateful for your generosity of spirit over the past nine years and we hope that, in our own small way, we have reciprocated. Thank you for that great gift and for the sacramental expression of it in our final weeks here – cards, letters, presents emails, phone messages, and personal visits. We leave knowing that we will be forever connected to you through the Body of Christ and we do anticipate seeing you in San Francisco when you are up there.

May God bless and keep you, Scott and Mary

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