Faith Communities and the Legislative Process

From Simpler Living Creation Care:

Hopefully many Cathedral members have taken the opportunity to respond to The Episcopal Church’s call to support important proposed National social justice legislation through the Office of Government Relation.

Some of those calls to action have appeared in our weekly bulletin. View the calls-to-action (Click Here).

There are also regional interfaith organizations that invite citizens to lobby on critical bills. California Interfaith Power and Light recently invited folks who are concerned about creation care to participate in a Zoom lobby day with staff from Senate and Assembly Members. Here is follow up from last week’s meetings:

“Good afternoon faith advocates, 

All four pieces of priority legislation we lobbied on last week made it out of appropriations and off suspense, and they will all be going to the floor for final approval! Your voice has made a positive difference in shaping the future of CA climate policy – and don’t forget: what we do in the CA ripples across the country and even the world!…”

In this time of uncertainty and division, it’s crucial to remember that we have agency and amplification of our voices when we build community for creation care.

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